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How I quit sugar, found food freedom and got my life back

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 17 August 2016 | 13:13

For years, I believed food was the enemy in my struggles against eating disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome and autoimmune thyroid disease. I never expected it would be what freed me.

In my teens, I ate badly, drank loads of alcohol and I’m sure I had insulin resistance. By 20 I was the heaviest I had been. I decided to lose weight, but not in a healthy way! I developed bulimia and anorexia, exercised twice a day and lost so much weight my periods stopped for six months.

I weighed around 45 kg and I was ill.

It didn’t end there, though. I began eating again and didn’t know where to stop, rapidly gaining 38kg. Due to my totally unhealthy relationship with food, over-exercising and stress, my body attacked itself and I developed autoimmune hypothyroidism.

My parents took me to a nutritionist, which ignited a passion in me. I finally took control. I enrolled with the Institute of Optimum Nutrition to embark on four years of study. It was there I discovered that mood swings and not menstruating for 90 days at a time were not normal.

Thinking back to what I put my body through – the stress of it all – I marvel at its resilience!

I had to make changes – starting with sugar.

I was eventually given the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome. I knew I had to make changes fast. But, as with any lasting dietary changes, “fast” was not how it happened. Initially, I tried to go cold turkey on all the refined foods, sweets and chocolate. I felt terrible – moody, migraines, extreme exhaustion.

Finally, I decided the best way forward was to take small consistent steps towards my goals. I learned to see food as healing, nourishing and vital. From here, I reduced one thing at a time while introducing a healthier habit. For example, I weaned myself off coffee as I increased my vegetables. Then I avoided all refined foods as I started eating protein.

I lost 18kg and started menstruating regularly – a massive improvement!

For me the hardest change was reducing and then avoiding sugar – I took many a one step forward and two back with this, but I got there in the end. I’ve never looked back and have been predominantly sugar-free for the past five years.

My energy remains high, I’m able to retain new information, my weight has stabilised (I’ve been the same weight for six years!), my hormones are balanced, my hair is full and my skin has a glow. The journey continues, but I’ve got my health and life back!

My weight has stabilised, my hormones are balanced and I’ve got my life back.

Now I help others find food freedom on the 8-Week Program.

I am now a nutritional therapist and nutritionist and love my work more than you could imagine. I’m also excited to be an expert on the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program.

Although I quit sugar before hearing about the 8-Week Program, I wanted to join the expert panel because I live and love the positive effects of quitting sugar. Plus, I have to say my journey to sugar-free would have been a lot smoother if I had started with the 8-Week Program.

My sugar-free journey would have been a lot smoother if I had started with the 8-Week Program.

I live and love the positive effects of quitting sugar.

Today, I’m beyond grateful for where this healing journey has led me. I’m honoured to share my passion with the world and help participants thrive.

For anyone intrigued to see this passion at work, join me on the 8-Week Program where I will be waiting in the forums ready to answer your questions!

We originally published this article in January 2016. We updated it in August 2016.


About Unknown


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