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9 ways to beat sugar withdrawal naturally

Written By Unknown on Thursday 14 July 2016 | 22:53

So you’ve made the decision to quit sugar. Well done you! You’ve taken the first big step to feeling pretty amazing!

But we all know sugar is addictive. And quitting an addictive substance will likely come with withdrawal symptoms.

Depending on the amount of sugar you consume, the first few days or weeks can be more than challenging. Maybe you’re experiencing headaches, skin breakouts, zapped energy, intense thirst, aches and pains, shakiness, or struggling with insatiable cravings.

But never fear! There are plenty of natural ways to get you through and further your path to vibrant health and wellbeing.

Start slowly.

If sugar has played a significant role in your life until now, you may find it easier to reduce it gradually rather than going cold turkey. Cut out sugary drinks for the first week, then processed snacks the next. Tapering off can help minimise withdrawal symptoms and maximise the chance you’ll stay off the sugar long term.  

Stay hydrated.

Cravings can often be a sign of dehydration rather than hunger. So, before reaching for the food, grab a glass of water. Adequate hydration helps your body excrete toxins effectively and in doing so can help prevent other withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and skin breakouts.

Feeling insatiably thirsty? Add a pinch of Himalayan pink salt or sea salt to your glass of water. Unrefined pink or sea salt contains an array of minerals and nutrients, which allow your body to hold onto more water.

Love your liver.

Add a squeeze of lemon juice or one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to kick start your digestion and liver for the day. Dandelion root tea is also great for digestion and supports liver detoxification.

Snack right.

Fill your pantry, fridge and freezer with easy-to-grab, IQS-friendly snacks like homemade protein balls, muffins, nut and seed mixes and dips like hummus. Good quality protein, essential fatty acids and complex carbohydrates keep symptoms at bay by maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Nutritional supplements may help you along the way.

B vitamins and magnesium are the first nutrients to deplete during times of stress. They’re also incredibly important for energy production and moderation of blood sugar levels. Along with eating a healthy balanced diet, a good quality B complex and magnesium supplement may be just what you need to stay on track.

Listen to your gut.

Sugar cravings, bloating and wind are often a sign of an imbalance in your gut bacteria. Getting onto quality probiotics can bring your good gut bacteria back into optimal balance and allay sugar cravings.

Get moving.

There’s nothing like daily exercise and fresh air to give you a dose of feel good endorphins! Whether it’s a brisk stroll, a fast run or an ocean swim, exercise will get your blood pumping and make you feel amazing.

Zone out.

Take time to simply stop, wind down and quiet your mind. It’s the perfect way to distress while detoxing from sugar. You’ll be surprised how amazing just five minutes of meditation a day will make you feel.

Sleep tight.

This one is pretty simple, the more tired you are, the more inclined you are to reach for sugary, processed foods that give you a hit of energy. Focus on getting to bed earlier for adequate sleep (at least 7–8 hours for most adults). Quitting sugar will be that much easier when you’re well-rested!

Follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to endless energy, glowing skin and vibrant health before you know it!


About Unknown


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