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5 weird things that can happen to your body when you quit sugar (don’t worry, they’re only temporary!)

Written By Unknown on Thursday 28 July 2016 | 18:40

So you’ve decided to quit sugar. Well done! But suddenly, you’re noticing some pretty whacky things happening to your body…

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! From body odour to fainting spells, we get a ton of feedback from people on our I Quit Sugar: 8 Week Program about wacky-sounding sugar withdrawal symptoms.

Luckily, they’re are all totally normal!Mostly, strange symptoms are just a result of your body adjusting to your new habits. And mostly, they’re completely temporary! Here are some of the weirdest ones we’ve come across.

You’re a bit stinkier than usual.

BO not just a thing of the gym anymore? Don’t worry, it’s just the toxins talking.

“The initial detox weeks of quitting sugar are quite demanding on your body, particularly your detoxification pathways,” says our in-house dietician Natalie Bourke. “That means sometimes you may experience a temporary increase in body odour before you start to smell like roses again.”

You’re breaking out.

“Hold up a minute! I thought one of the benefits of quitting was CLEARER skin.” Unfortunately, it often gets worse before it gets better.

“As our body detoxes, the toxins escape via a few different routes,” says Natalie. “One of which is your skin. You may experience a temporary breakout of bad skin before you get to that sugar-free glow!”

You fainted!

Dizzy spells, wobbly legs… you may have even passed out!

“Feeling dizzy can be a sign of dysregulated blood sugar. This can happen in the first couple of weeks, while your body is learning to run off other energy sources,” says Natalie.

“If your dizziness persists beyond this, it might be low blood pressure due to a significant reduction in salt intake. This often occurs when we start to JERF, because the majority of our salt comes from processed food. I recommend adding Celtic or Himalayan sea salt to your meals to see if things improve.”

You’re CRAZY thirsty.

The ‘ol eight a day just ain’t cutting it anymore. While we hear about this one a bit, it might be worth getting it checked out.

“Excessive thirst can be a sign of hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar). If you have trouble regulating your blood sugar, this can happen even without a high sugar diet. Another possible cause is adrenal fatigue,” Natalie says.

You’ve noticed significant changes in your, er, habits.

Changes in diet can very easily change the frequency, consistency and smell of our movements down there. It all comes down to your gut.

“Gut bacteria are responsible for regulating your daily number twos as well as your gas emissions. Quitting sugar is an excellent way to stop bad bacteria growth, but there might be an adjustment period while your body gets familiar with your new regime.”

Keep your fibre and water levels up and also try some fermented foods.

If you’ve experienced any of these, hang in there! We promise it will all be worth it in the end. And if any whacky sugar withdrawal symptoms stick around, it’s definitely worth checking in with your doctor.

Have you experienced any other weird sugar withdrawal symptoms?


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