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10 motivational quotes that will inspire you to be your best, healthiest self

Written By Unknown on Thursday 21 July 2016 | 23:24

We all have those times when it feels a lot easier to blow off our exercise plans, buy a tub of Ben & Jerry’s, dive under the covers and hide from the world.

And when those times hit (they happen to the best of us!), it’s helpful to have a mantra to get you on your feet, dusted off and back on the right path.

Need a boost? We asked our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program Ambassadors and Experts for their best motivational health quotes. (The IQS team weighed in too!)

When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.

“This quote is something that inspires me during my workouts, to push that little bit more. It also works when I feel like caving into sugary temptations.” – Elise McKillop, health blogger.

I Quit Sugar – 10 motivational quotes that will inspire you to be your best, healthiest self

Insanity is doing the same thing every day and expecting change.

“My sister taught me this one and I think you can apply it to so many aspects of health. Want to increase your strength? You need to mix up your gym routine. Want to improve your gut? You need to look at what you eat and make changes.” – Alyssa, IQS marketing executive.

Every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding it.

“I feel this quote really makes us think about what we are putting into our bodies. Especially when clever marketing tries to trick us into thinking something is healthy when in actual fact it is not.” – Angelique Panagos, nutritionist.

I Quit Sugar – 10 motivational quotes that will inspire you to be your best, healthiest self

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.

“This quote resonates so strongly with me. From raising my kids to my physical endeavors, fueling my body, being my best and staying focused and strong.” – Diana Tencic, food and fitness coach.

Slow and simple.

“It is a constant reminder to me of the way I want to live life. I believe it with food especially: when you keep things slow and simple, you can’t go wrong! Making things from scratch is often a slow process, but one that is worth it. It’s the core of what I believe life should be about. I definitely know I am at my best when living this way!” – Jenny Barrow, slow food Instagrammer.

I Quit Sugar – 10 motivational quotes that will inspire you to be your best, healthiest self

What would Beyoncé do?

“I generally manage to drag myself out of bed for that 6am pilates class when I think about Beyoncé. One things for sure, Queen B ain’t hitting the snooze button!” – Rani Hansen, health blogger.

Just breathe.

“When I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or I can’t see the wood for the trees, I focus on my breath for a minute or so. It’s amazing what a few inhales can do to clear your head, calm you down and help you see it all a little clearer.” – Camilla, IQS senior writer and editor.

just breathe

Let food be thy medicine.

“This quote motivates me to make healthy food choices, not just for day to day health, but also when I’m run down. It reminds me to use food for healing (so I’ll cook up some tasty chicken broth).” – Claire Grullemans, naturopath.

Don’t count the days. Make the days count.

“Life is a gift. Don’t waste it.” – Zoe, IQS CEO.

I Quit Sugar – 10 motivational quotes that will inspire you to be your best, healthiest self

I didn’t say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it!

“Let’s face it, life gets in the way and eating right and keeping fit aren’t always the easiest things to do. But this quote reminds me of the endgame – of why I get out of bed for that gym class, or choose to cook rather than grabbing takeout. Because that energy and positive outlook you have when you’re on top of your health and fitness game is totally worth it!” – Lorna, IQS head of content.

What motivational health quotes do you use to inspire yourself?


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