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Ayurveda 101: Should you eat according to your dosha?

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 28 June 2016 | 23:01

More than 5,000 years ago, a complex and spiritual system of medicine evolved in India. That system still thrives today.

We’re talking about Ayurveda. Hailed as a holistic and gentle healing practice by its followers, Ayurveda strives to create harmony between the mind, body and spirit. It’s achieved through meditation, massage, herbal remedies and (of course) food.

Ayurveda followers believe that we’re all made of three elements or doshas – vata (air), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth/water). When all the doshas are in balance, that’s when you reach optimum health and stability.

“Each of us is a combination of all three doshas, but we generally have one that dominates,” says Sarah. “When our dominant dosha is out of balance, we get wobbly and unwell.”

Are you vata, pitta or kapha?

Vata dominant people tend to have cooler and drier skin, lower body weight and lots of energy. “Their dominant force is wind, so they do not like sitting idle, preferring to seek constant action,” says Sarah.

When out of balance, vata types tend to be anxious, spacey and experience digestive issues.

Pitta dominant people are considered muscular and of medium-build, with a temper that can match their redder complexion. “Their force is fire, so when out of balance Pittas can get hot under the collar. They don’t tolerate summer well.”

Pitta types may experience heat-related issues when their doshas are out of whack – inflammation, heartburn, angry red rashes and ulcers. They’re also believed to go bald quickly, due to the excessive heat coming out of the top of their heads!

Kapha dominant people generally have heavier builds, strong features, thick hair and oily skin. “Kaphas are earthy types (their force is earth and water) and when out of whack they can become heavy and phlegmatic and require firing up,” Sarah says.

Followers believe that kapha types are also prone to oversleeping, weight gain, mucous production, sluggish digestion and depression.

What to eat according to your dosha.

If you’ve identified your dosha, here’s where the fun begins! Ayurvedic experts believe that diet is one of key methods to balancing this energy (we love it when food is the answer!).

If you think you’re a vata… Since vata types are cool and flighty, Ayurveda experts recommend sticking to warm, grounding foods like cooked root vegetables, hot milk and earthy spices. And staying well away from the thing that encourages swinging energy levels and skittishness – sugar.

If you think you’re a pitta… Cooling foods may be of help – think salads, yoghurt and avocados (yes!). It’s also best to avoid hot spices.

If you think you’re a kapha… You may benefit from foods with a kick – chilli, spices and bitter ferments. Avoid anything that’s likely to make you sluggish, like heavy dairy and pastries.

While we don’t necessarily apply these principles to our recipes, maybe Ayurveda could be part of the answer to help you achieve balance and food freedom. What do you reckon – worth a try?


About Unknown


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