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5 office workouts you can do in 5 minutes

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 28 June 2016 | 18:22

There’s little doubt that nine to five in a desk chair isn’t great for your health. In fact, studies estimate that every hour of idle sitting can take 22 minutes off your life. Yikes!

It’s a scary statistic, but there are ways to keep moving throughout your work day (even if you’re wearing a suit!).

These “deskercises” are quick, simple and don’t require a gym membership. So round up a few colleagues and see who’s got the moves!

1. Take the stairs (then take them again).

If you work in an office building, you probably have a set of stairs close by. Skip the lift and march up and down each flight, taking a lunge here and there if you’re keen. This will work your core, glutes, hamstrings and quads – trust us, you’ll feel it!

2. Lift those legs.

Your arms (or at least your fingers) tend to stay active throughout the day as you type. But it’s easy to forget about your legs. To prevent losing tone in your lower half, lift each leg under your desk and squeeze the muscles. If you want to take it up a notch, try lifting both legs (don’t forget to engage the core to protect your lower back).

3. Go for a walking meeting.

Meetings, meetings, meetings. If you find yourself in a lot of them, organise a few standing meetings instead. You can even take them outside for a brisk walk around the block (bring your coffee for ultra-multitasking!). Try and get out of the office for a walk at lunchtime, too. Your body and your mind will thank you for it.

4. Work your core.

No, we’re not suggesting your break into a plank in the breakroom (although, each to their own!). You can easily exercise your abdominal muscles at your desk by squeezing them as tight as you can – imagine drawing your navel to your spine – and releasing.

Another core muscle group to exercise is your pelvic floor (Kegel exercises). You can identify your pelvic floor by trying to stop, er, urination midstream. Simply squeeze, release and repeat – nobody will know you’re doing them!

5. Stretch it out.

Reduce office chair stiffness by taking a few minutes to stretch your muscles. It’s particularly important to stretch the neck and back to avoid the oh-so-attractive computer hunchback! Roll your neck, shrug your shoulders and arch your back – you’ll feel fresher and all the better for it.


About Unknown


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