While sugary snacks throw your appetite out of whack, the answer to your constant hunger could be found in the humble avocado!
When you eat healthy fats, a chemical is produced in your small intestine that curbs hunger (who knew?!). So not only will eating a diet rich in these beauties keep you feeling satisfied for longer, but reaching for fats when you need a snack is the perfect way to fill up quickly – and not give in to sugar.
The best hunger-suppressing fats…
Nuts and seeds.
These are full of all the good stuff – fibre, vitamins, minerals… the list goes on. But, they’re also high in healthy fats too. If you’re looking for an easy snack, reach for a handful of nuts and seeds (almonds and sunflower seeds are our faves), or toast them with a little cinnamon. Yum!
Who would have thought that adding a few olives to your salad or pasta sauce would stop hunger in its tracks? Their high levels of monounsaturated fats help activate brain messages to tell you when you’re full. Olive oil also holds these powers, so drizzle away!
We’ve made no secret of our love for cheese – it’s high in fat and calcium, making it the perfect pair for your olives or with some green apple for a tasty treat. Dig in!
As if we needed another reason to love avo! Not only are they full of healthy fats which take longer to digest and curb hunger, but they’re high in potassium to help balance sodium and fluid in your bod. Mash ‘em up and smother over some sourdough for a quick ‘n’ easy snack. Just stick to a quarter of an avo per serve.
Coconut oil.
Coconut oil is incredibly satiating and suppresses both your appetite and sugar cravings (win-win!). Sarah even likes to eat a spoonful straight from the jar to stop her snacking.
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