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5 foods to fight fatigue (yes, chocolate is included!)

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 19 May 2018 | 12:02

When you’re fatigued, the first thing you want to grab is a big sugary energy drink, right?

Press pause on that thought. Sugary junk will only give you a quick burst of energy, before making you feel even more lethargic.

Want to improve your energy levels? Ditch the sweet stuff and try these nutrient-dense foods to fight fatigue instead. Did we mention chocolate is one of them?

Note: Physical and mental fatigue can be a sign of other issues. If you can’t alleviate your fatigue with rest, please see a medical practitioner.

1. Porridge.

Porridge not only fills your tum, it’s full of slow-releasing complex carbohydrates that sustain you. Eat it with some protein and healthy fats for an extra boost at breakfast.

Porridge 3 Ways

I Quit Sugar: Porridge 3 Ways

2. Eggs.

One large egg contains 12 per cent of your daily protein needs, as well as good dose of healthy fats to keep you energised. Eggs are also a great source of vitamin B-12, a deficiency of which can cause fatigue.

Chicken Caesar Salad Bowl

Chicken Caesar Salad Bowl

3. Beef.

One of the most common reasons for fatigue is anaemia, a lack of red blood cells. Iron deficiency is a direct cause, so chow down on iron-rich foods including red meat, sunflower seeds and chickpeas. (But do see a doctor if you think you’re anaemic!)

Bloke Beef ‘n’ Beer with Mash

I Quit Sugar: Beef 'n' Beer with Mash

4. Dark chocolate.

Research has shown that eating cacao may improve mental fatigue. It’s also full of antioxidants, iron and could even boost serotonin (a happiness hormone). Just make sure your chocolate is 85 per cent cacao or more, or that that energy hit will be mostly from sugar.

Flourless Berry Chocolate Cake

Flourless Berry Chocolate-Cake

5. Water.

Mild dehydration can actually cause tiredness and brain fog. If you struggle drinking eight a day, try drinking herbal tea or sparkling water infusions to get some pep back in your step!

No-Booze Blueberry Mojito

I Quit Sugar recipe: No-Booze Blueberry Mojito

What helps you fight fatigue?


About Unknown


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