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The prebiotic soup you need RN

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 16 January 2018 | 19:01

Have you heard of prebiotics? Chances are you probably haven’t!

While probiotics seem to be the go-to for gut health, it’s just as important to incorporate prebiotics into your daily diet as well. Essentially, prebiotics feed your gut bacteria. Foods that are high in prebiotics – like garlic, leek, bananas and asparagus – are largely indigestible by your body, so the fibres stay intact as your body digests them and end up whole in the bowel, where they stimulate the production of probiotics. Confused yet?

Put simply, probiotics balance out any of the bad bacteria lurking in your gut, while prebiotics feed these probiotic guys. So, you need to include foods high in prebiotics as they directly impact on the state of your gut health.

And, friends in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re in luck! This creamy fennel soup is filled to the brim with prebiotic goodies like garlic and leek, which feed your good gut bacteria. Feel free to add some chopped onion at the same time as the leek and garlic in order to up the prebiotic factor. Or, take it one step further and pimp your soup topper with some pan-fried asparagus to make this dish a prebiotic bomb!

Cream of Fennel Soup.

I Quit Sugar - Cream of Fennel Soup

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