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Terrified of airport snacks? Us too!

Written By Unknown on Thursday 11 January 2018 | 14:08

Going to the airport always presents a challenge thanks to the abundance of (poor) food choices available…

With donut shops, convenience stores and fast food chains scattered throughout the terminal, it can be hard (read: near impossible!) to find a healthy option. But, before you get swept up in the “treat yo’ self” mentality of going on holiday, try making these healthy snack swaps so you can ensure you return from your holiday feeling fresh and healthy…

Ditch the prepackaged granola bars and make your own.

Buying a muesli or granola bar from the airport is an easy to way to overdose on sugar! These babies are often packed with dried fruit, natural sugars and artificial sweeteners so it’s best to steer clear of them. Instead, make a batch of our  Sugar-Free Granola Bars before you fly, so you’ll have something healthy and delicious to munch on.

Opt for a whole piece of fruit rather than a juice.

While grabbing a juice before your flight might be convenient, we prefer eating our fruit whole rather than whizzed up into a liquid. This is because the fibre of the fruit is completely lost when it goes through a juicer, and you’re effectively left just drinking the sugar. So, opt for an apple, rather than a green drink created by juicing four apples!

Reach for a handful of Spicy Activated Nuts, instead of chocolate covered peanuts.

Whipping up a batch of our Spicy Activated Nuts before you fly is a much better alternative to noshing on a couple dozen choccy-covered peanuts. We love to snack on nuts as they are full of fibre, vitamins and minerals and are a healthy source of fats. And, adding a spice mix to your nuts will make them all the more interesting on your flight!

Pack a sugar-free yoghurt and berries instead of buying takeaway yoghurt and granola.

Eating brekkie at the airport when you have an early flight is often tempting, but stay away from grabbing a takeaway container of flavoured yoghurt and granola, as these are often teeming with sugar! Instead, bring some sugar-free Greek yoghurt with you to the airport and enjoy that for breakfast with a handful of fresh berries. If you’ve got some time on your hands before heading to the airport, whip up a batch of our Coco-Nutty Granola to enjoy with your yoghurt or simply as a snack.

Munch on homemade popcorn instead of potato chips.

Reaching for a bag of potato chips is an easy way to fix your munchies, but it won’t do your health any favours. Popcorn is a cheap hunger-buster and can easily be whipped up beforehand and pimped with additional ingredients to make it all the more delicious and nutritious!

What’s your fave snack to take to the airport?


About Unknown


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