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6 more reasons to embrace meal prep

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 2 January 2018 | 10:01

Making meal prep a part of your weekly routine can drastically change your life…

So, if you haven’t tried meal prep before, you really need to! The team at IQS have mastered the art of the Sunday Cook-Up – which is also a key part of our 8-Week Program – as it helps to simplify midweek cooking while ensuring you’re noshing on nourishing food.

Here are just some of the benefits of incorporating a weekly cook-up in your life…

1. Save money!

Forking out money for your lunch everyday is costly – paying nearly $15 for a poké bowl is unsustainable day in day out. Meal prepping is a great money-saving exercise, especially if you buy in bulk and look for fruits and veggies that are in season. While ordering your dinner from UberEATS or grabbing a sanga from the local cafe may be convenient, you’re paying a pretty penny for that food.

2. Cut down on food waste.

Planning out your meals and only buying what you need is a great step towards preventing unnecessary food waste. How many times have you filled your trolley with food, but haven’t found a way to use it and it’s subsequently landed in the bin? Meal prep is a simple way to help curb this cycle of food waste.

3. Stay on track to achieving your health goals.

Meal prepping is a great tool for keeping you on track when it comes to your health goals. Not only do you know exactly what’s going into your food – which means no nasty additives – but it also helps to prevent you falling off the healthy eating bandwagon. When you get home after a long day at work, instead of reaching for a takeaway Thai menu, you can gobble down your nutrient-dense pre-prepped food.

4. It’s flexible.

Cooking a bunch of meals or snacks for the week ahead is surprisingly flexible. If your plans change and you decide to have dinner with friends instead of eating your prepped food, don’t stress! Either freeze the food or simply eat it the next day for lunch. Meal prepping fits into your life and you can prep as much or as little as you need for the week. If you like cooking dinner with your family, then simply make ahead brekkies and lunches. It’s totally customisable to you!

5. Save time.

While blocking out a period of time every week to cook your meals in bulk might sound time consuming, it really isn’t and you’ll be saving a tonne of time during the week. If you prepare a bunch of brekkies, lunches and dinners for the week ahead you’ll save time cooking and cleaning midweek. Seriously, who wants to cook and clean on a Wednesday night? Not us!

6. Less decision making = less stress.

We’ve all experienced decision fatigue at one point or another – especially when it comes to what you’re going to eat for dinner. By prepping a bunch of food, you’re going to make the rest of your week easier and you’ll be ditching food-related stress. Plus you’ll also make grocery shopping so much easier. By planning out your meals, you’ll know exactly what you need to grab from the supermarket instead of wandering around aimlessly and adding things that you don’t need into your cart.


About Unknown


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