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5 simple swaps that’ll reduce your plastic consumption

Written By Unknown on Sunday 28 January 2018 | 10:01

The creation of waste has been a hot topic for a while now and we’re always trying to reduce our consumption of disposable products…

Unfortunately, the use of plastic is firmly ingrained within our modern society – but it doesn’t mean that we can’t change this. So, the IQS team are embarking on waste-free February, where we will be limiting our use of plastic and other disposable items in order to lessen our impact on the environment.

We hate waste and we strive to reduce in it any way we can – in fact, our 8-Week Program is completely food waste free thanks to our emphasis on meal prep and how to utilise leftovers.

Join us in reducing your consumption of plastic items by implementing these simple swaps…

1. Swap plastic bags for reusable ones.

This probably seems obvious, but how many times have you actually used a reusable bag when grocery shopping? Chances are, they’re gathering dust in your car boot as you read this. While the intention to bring your reusable bags grocery shopping is most likely there, we collectively need to start actually using them instead of opting for the plastic bags provided. It’s estimated that Aussies use around 5 billion plastic bags per year – that’s over 13 million bags being used every single day. Scary stuff! So, whether or not your state has banned the bag, you can easily reduce your waste by bringing your own canvas bags when grocery shopping.

2. Ditch the plastic water bottles.

A simple wander down to the beach shows just how dire the issue is with plastic water bottles.  And, while they may be recyclable, how many of them are actually being recycled? Truth is, less than 40 per cent of water bottles are recycled and instead, they end up in landfill or our beloved waterways. So, this is your chance to pick up a reusable water bottle and stop contributing to landfill. While it’s definitely not a difficult change to make, the impact is huge!

3. Invest in a reusable coffee cup.

If you haven’t heard yet, those takeaway coffee cups you get every morning from your local cafe aren’t recyclable. While they might seem like they could be recycled due to their paper exterior, the inside is actually lined with a plastic film which makes it ineligible for recycling. So, ditch the takeaway coffee and grab yourself a reusable coffee cup instead. Not only do they last for ages, but they also come in all different shapes and sizes – so no matter if you’re cup of Joe is a piccolo, a cappuccino or a long black, there’s a reusable cup for you!

4. Switch out your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one.

Another item we tend to forget about is the humble toothbrush. You are literally brushing your teeth with a piece of plastic every single day, and according to dentists, you should be changing them every three months – this means that four of your toothbrushes are ending up in landfill every year. But, there is another option – say hello to the bamboo toothbrush! For starters, bamboo is a sustainable material, unlike plastic, and these toothbrushes are also biodegradable. But, don’t go and throw out your plastic toothbrush right now – use it until it’s worn out and then repurpose it as a cleaning implement for jewellery. Then, grab yourself a brand spankin’ new bamboo one!

5. Try wooden pegs.

You may not consider your plastic pegs a hazard for the environment, but how many times has one of your plastic pegs broken? It’s a common problem which can create a huge amount of extra waste that ends up in landfill. A peg here or there doesn’t seem like a big problem, but multiply that by the whole world and you see our point. When your current plastic pegs officially die, grab yourself a pack of wooden pegs instead. These will last a lot longer – they won’t become brittle like the plastic – but keeping them inside will also help to extend their life.

Will you be implementing any of these changes? Let us know in the comments below!


About Unknown


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