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7 ways to reach those health goals

Written By Unknown on Thursday 2 November 2017 | 20:02

We all lose track of our health goals from time to time, but the important thing is that you jump right back on the healthy living bandwagon.

Instead of wasting more time worrying about the bump in your journey, try putting these tips into practice and you’ll be back on track in no time!

1. Meal prep is key.

You know the saying “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”? This can be directly applied to meal prep. If you don’t have any healthy food prepared, chances are when you’re hungry, you’ll reach for something convenient. This is why we encourage a Sunday Cook-Up. By planning ahead and cooking meals to have on-hand, you’ll be one step closer to your health goals.

2. There’s always a substitute.

We don’t believe in feeling deprived or hungry. This is why we encourage you to use healthy substitutes when cooking. But, what are the best substitutes to try? Fresh fruit and veggies, of course! If you’re feeling the need for a sweet treat, why not try a veggie-filled option like our popular Sweet Potato Brownies.

3. Use a shopping list.

There’s nothing worse than going to the supermarket without a shopping list as it encourages impulse buying. When planning your meals for the week, create a detailed list to take with you to the shops. This way you’ll only be coming home with the things you actually need.

4. Stay inspired.

Staying on track with your goals doesn’t need to be a lonely one. Technology allows us to connect with others at the click of a button. Social media is a great tool to use when you are lacking in inspiration. A quick scroll through Instagram can provide the push you need to get back into the swing of things. Jump onto our Insta feed or Facebook page if you need some inspo!

5. One day at a time.

Change takes time so don’t become overwhelmed if you feel like you’re not making any headway when it comes to healthy living. Instead, set small, attainable goals and work your way up to long-term goals as you become more confident.

6. Setbacks will happen.

Falling off the wagon and making mistakes will happen – you’re only human! But it’s how you handle them that is the most important thing. When a setback strikes, the quicker you get back to your healthy habits, the easier it will be. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

7. Get a little help from your friends.

Having the support of a buddy can be the motivation you need to achieve your health goals. Why not enlist a friend to sign up to our 7-Day Reboot, this way you can reset and get back into healthy living with the support of a loved one.


About Unknown


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