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The 7 questions your friends will ask you when you go sugar-free

Written By Unknown on Thursday 26 October 2017 | 17:08

So, you’ve quit sugar.

First of all, congrats on taking such a momentous step towards better health! But we bet, you’ve probably met some naysayers along the way in the form of family and friends who just don’t understand this whole sugar-quitting thing.

To help you answer all their curly questions, here’s our go-to guide on how we respond to some of the most common queries you’ll likely be faced with when you ditch the sweet stuff…

Can you still eat fruit?

You’d think that the number of times we write about this one, we’d have it covered. But seriously, it’s still one of the most common questions we get asked – daily. The answer is yes, we do eat fruit, around 1–2 pieces of whole fruit a day. What we do steer clear of however, are juices and dried fruits which are basically sugar bombs!

Don’t we need sugar in our diets?

Put simply, no. What most people think of as sugar (AKA that white stuff in your sugar bowl) is sucrose – half glucose and half fructose. And, it’s the glucose bit our body prefers to use for energy! But we don’t need to nosh on sugary foods to source this energy and in fact, our bodies can generate glucose from whole foods. Think vegetables, fruit, grains, lean proteins and dairy.

Quitting sugar is just another diet, right?

Nope, wrong again! Unlike diets – which tend to focus on restriction, calorie counting and deprivation – our 8-Week Program simply encourages you to eat real food, and no, we don’t remove any food groups.

Can you still eat “healthy” sugars like honey?

Honey, dates, agave… they may be considered “natural”, but sugar is sugar, no matter where it comes from and honey, for instance, is still 40 per cent fructose. Not ideal.

And what about chocolate?

Just because you’ve quit sugar, doesn’t mean you need to say farewell to choccy. We’re not that mad! Simply opt for 85 per cent varieties (or darker!) which are low in sugar. Or better yet, make your own!

If you eat sugar now, what happens?

Believe it or not, once you’ve overcome your addiction to sugar, steering clear of the stuff becomes pretty simple because you literally stop craving it all the time. But if you do lapse (and it happens to the best of us!), all you need to do is jump back on the sugar-free wagon. Phew!

Do you still eat cake?

Um, yes – yes we do! Who could say no to our Bloody Good Cheesecake?!

If your friends and family still have questions, why not gently suggest they give the Program a go with you?  Not only does quitting sugar with someone help to hold you both accountable, but with our Friends Program, you can both be rewarded for your efforts. Sounds sweet to us!


About Unknown


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