It’s no secret that a regular yoga practice not only creates a deeper sense of self, but also a deeper sense of connection to the overall physical, mental and emotional body.
The discipline it takes to show up on your mat over and over again cultivates a stronger recognition of feeling. No practice ever feels the same. Some days you breeze through, anchored and focused, while other days are heavy and resistant and clunky.
As we begin to navigate between what works and what doesn’t, we sharpen our senses and innately begin to understand what feels good, what needs space, when to go further and when to let go. These attributes also translate to being a good lover as being aware of not only your own experience, but that of your partner too, can result in an act of love that fulfils both parties.
Most yogis will testify that the mindfulness cultivated through a good practice translates to most other areas of life. We’ve previously spoken about how yoga can positively impact your relationship with food, and to be honest, sex is just another tier to that.
Just breathe.
If you’re looking to boost your sex drive, a daily five-minute pranayama practice (the breathing portion of yoga) is a good place to start – followed by some mindful movement. Let your practice be slower, more conscious, more engaged. Observe what your body is asking of you in your stillness and in your movement and do your best to honour that space.
Over time, you can apply this same practice to sex – and not just to the physical act – but to the chemistry that is ignited and exchanged with your partner in your relationship as well. The less you can think and the more you can witness, the more meaningful the whole process becomes.
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