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The men-y benefits of ditching sugar

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 12 September 2017 | 18:01

Hey, ladies! If you’ve jumped on the sugar-free wagon, but you’re struggling to get the men in your life on board, hit them with these cold hard facts…

While the sugar-free life is packed with benefits for everyone, there are definitely some male-specific perks!

Boost your testosterone.  

Testosterone levels can be influenced by a variety of factors, including diet. When we eat too much sugar, the liver is bombarded with the sweet stuff and when it’s unable to process it, the excess sugar turns straight into fat. This increased fat throws out the gene that regulates active hormones, and for men this messes up normal testosterone levels. Giving sugar the flick can not only boost your testosterone, but in turn increase your sex drive and improve muscle growth. What’s not to love about that?!

Wind up the weight loss.

The World Health Organisation’s statistics suggest around 38 per cent of the men in the world are overweight. And, studies show that limiting fructose can boost weight loss because fructose quickly turns into fat in the body. With 91 per cent of the men on our 8-Week Program losing weight, we think those stats speak for themselves!

Improve your heart health.

Statistics show men are at greater risk of suffering from heart disease at a younger age than women. While it’s not clear why middle-aged men have more heart attacks than women, it’s thought unhealthy lifestyle and diet habits (hello, sugar) are to blame. In fact, one study found people whose diet was 25 per cent or more sugar, were twice as likely to die of heart disease. Don’t put yourself at risk – check out our top tips for looking after your heart.

If the man in your life needs a little more convincing, check out The Dude Approved Cookbook, packed with 35 delish feasts any man would approve of. Pulled pork anyone?


About Unknown


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