Does the thought of giving up your favourite sweet treats terrify you?
Well rest assured, when you quit sugar, it doesn’t mean saying goodbye to office birthday cakes, biscuits dunked in your tea or freshly baked brownies…
While we recommend keeping sugar to a minimum, there’s nothing wrong with tucking into a sweet treat every so often. And, once you’ve beat your addiction on our 8-Week Program, you’ll be able to properly enjoy it in moderation (rather than scoffing down three servings because of crazy cravings).
Even better, there are plenty of nutrient-dense, sugar-free* desserts to swap your Krispy Kremes for! From sweet potato brownies to a GIANT COOKIE, here are just five of our favourite sugar-free desserts (careful, they may just convert you!).
Sweet Potato Brownies
Try our gluten-free Sweet Potato Brownies once and you’ll wonder why ALL brownies don’t contain sweet potato. Sweet potato makes them extra gooey and fudgy (like a good brownie should be), especially when you make the brownies in the slow cooker. Genius.
Crunchy Nut Cheesecake
The Crunchy Nut Cheesecake is one of our most popular recipes, and we can totally see why. It’s all a cheesecake should be – creamy, custard-like filling and golden, buttery crunch. Plus, the recipe is virtually impossible to screw up!
Choc Chip Skillet Cookie
This novelty-sized Choc Chip Skillet Cookie will make you feel like a kid again. Well, except for the adult-sized chunks of 85 per cent melted chocolate. To quote the Cookie Monster, OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM.
Zingy Lemon Curd Tart
For something a little more sophisticated, our Zingy Lemon Curd Tart is perfect for tea parties, ladies brunches and visits with the Queen. You know, stuff like that. It’s creamy, refreshing and much easier than it looks (just don’t tell them that!).
Raspberry Ripple
Finally, busting the myth that all healthy desserts are fiddly “soak-cashews-overnight” concoctions, this Raspberry Ripple comes together in less than an hour and tastes AH-mazing. Chocolatey, salty and tangy, it’s one we whip up at every IQS occasion. We can’t get enough!
* While we quit fructose on the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program, these recipes contain a small amount of rice malt syrup (a blend of glucose and maltose). We recommend enjoying these treats on special occasions and sticking to a small portion size, or cutting down on the sweetener they contain even further, if you like.
We originally published this article in May 2016. We updated it in October 2017.
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