You prioritise your health, exercise regularly, nosh on nutrient-dense veggies and wave off the common cold like it’s no big deal.
But still, something in your gut is telling you that things are a little out of whack.
Our bodies are great at alerting us when we’re not operating at our best. It might be a recurring rash, a lack of sleep or some seriously weird cravings.
Don’t worry though, there’s always room for improvement! Here are some sneaky signs to look out for that can help you take control of your health so you stay fighting fit, all year round…
1. You crave sugar.
We don’t mean fancying a little something sweet here and there. You bookend your days with the sweet stuff, guzzle large juices and always need to finish dinner with dessert.
The reason? You’re probably addicted to fructose. Research shows this sugar is highly addictive, and excess consumption may lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes and liver disease.
The only way to beat the addiction is to give up sugar until your body can recalibrate. Evidence suggests it takes 66 days to break a habit (hence our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program!).
2. You find it hard to get to sleep.
Around half of Australians don’t get enough sleep – but that’s not a fact we should easily accept. Poor sleep can be caused by overstimulation, stress or a lack of sleep hygiene… and, if you’re missing those zzzs on a regular basis, you could be at greater risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and depression.
For better shuteye, the Sleep Health Foundation recommends a regular sleep schedule, avoiding stimulants and taking time to relax before bed (as well as seeing a medical professional if your problems persist).
Another great tip is to avoid screens before bedtime. “Blue light inhibits melatonin, which is the hormone that helps you go to sleep,” says IQS expert, Natalie Bourke. “The best thing to do is turn off all screens at least an hour before bed.”
3. You break out a lot.
Your health is not just skin deep. While acne and rashes are often totally benign, blemishes can also be a sign of allergies, food intolerances, dehydration, inflammation or chemical irritants. And, of course, sugar is linked to conditions like acne, psoriasis and premature ageing.
To sort your skin, clean up your diet, drink lots of water and avoid skin products and soaps with harsh artificial ingredients. If that doesn’t clear things up, see a dermatologist or GP.
4. You have gut problems.
Half of Australia complains of a digestive problem in any given year. Which is worrying, considering how important a happy gut is for overall health. Tummy problems can indicate irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, bad bacteria overgrowth and sometimes more serious conditions.
If your belly issues aren’t going away, “the first step is to eliminate as much processed food from your diet as possible (yes, that includes sugar!),” says Natalie. “Keep a food diary for a few days to see if there are any common triggers, and see a medical practitioner if symptoms persist.”
5. You get “moody”.
It’s totally normal – and healthy – to get angry or upset from time to time. But feeling like you just can’t cope with your emotions could point to a mood imbalance.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health (and often the two are related). Remember to prioritise self-care, try mindfulness and talk to professionals if you feel things are getting out of hand. It’s okay to reach out for help when you need it!
We originally published this post in July 2016. We updated it in September 2017.
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