Do you ever feel like you’re pouring all your effort into becoming the healthiest version of yourself, but it’s just not working?
Before you become disheartened and throw in the towel, we have the top seven things that could be standing in your healthy way…
1. You’re not sleeping well.
A recent study found that one in three of us don’t get enough sleep. Catching at least seven hours of zzzs a night is best of your overall health, as any less than that is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Introducing a regular sleeping pattern will not only improve your physical health, but your mental health too!
2. You’re super stressed.
Stress is linked to the release of the hormone, cortisol, which can put you into a fight or flight response mode. Constant stress and an imbalance of cortisol can result in acne, irregular periods, thin skin and weight gain. Check out our top tips on lowering your stress naturally!
3. Gut health, what’s that?
Gut health seems to be the newest buzz word… but for good reason! You may not realise, but your gut bacteria can influence both your physical and mental health. In fact, increased good bacteria has been linked to weight loss and reduced bloating, as well as a stronger immune system. To improve your gut health try adding fermented products like kombucha and sauerkraut, as well as gelatin into your diet (hello, gummies!).
4. You don’t drink enough water.
Our bodies are somewhere between 50 and 75 per cent water, so if you lose just two per cent of your body’s water, you’ll start feeling the effects of dehydration – and we don’t just mean that pesky headache! Studies show that being even slightly dehydrated can affect your brain function, physical performance and even your ability to lose weight. Start the day with a big glass of water, and if you’re not visiting the loo four to six times a day, you’re probably not drinking enough. Get sipping!
5. You forget to move.
Do you ever get twitchy if you sit at your desk for too long? We love to get moving every day to improve our overall wellbeing, especially since exercise has been proven to boost your mood too! Just a short stroll around the block on your lunch break can work wonders for your mental clarity and energy levels.
6. You’re starving yourself.
You might think that restricting your diet will make you “healthy”, but eating too little can actually have the opposite effect. Undereating can slow down your metabolism, and take its toll on your whole bod including symptoms of fatigue, constipation, diarrhea and even nausea. If weight loss is what you’re after, undereating can cause your body to go into “starvation mode”, meaning it begins to store fat because it’s not sure when it will get to eat again. Plus, we’ve always believed in listening to our hunger and finding our food freedom!
7. There’s sugar in that?
Eating too much sugar (yep, even the natural ones) can stop you from finding your healthiest you. Not only is fructose linked to obesity, but it can increase your risk of health concerns such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome too! Your best bet is to give fructose the flick once and for all.
Check out our 7-Day Reboot to kickstart your journey to the healthiest you!
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