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The things you notice when you quit sugar

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 8 August 2017 | 13:09

When it comes to quitting sugar, taking the first step is the toughest.

But whether you’ve completed our 8-Week Program, or you’ve just tried cutting back as a gentle experiment with yourself (this is how Sarah started on her journey too!), you’ll soon notice a few things that weren’t quite so obvious before embarking on your sugar-free journey…

Sugar is everywhere.

The decision to ditch sugar usually means you’re prepared to give up sugar in your tea, your 3pm choccy habit and that cheeky slice of cake at your office work party. But what you may not have taken into account were all the sneaky places sugar was hiding. Think tomato sauce, mayo, chai, even your “healthy” veggie chips. Often it’s these additions that are even harder to forgo than the white stuff itself.

Quitting sugar is easier with a friend.

What’s that old saying? Misery loves company… We’re just kidding on the misery front but we’re serious when we say, having a friend or family member join you on your journey makes it far easier to stay motivated. Share cooking tips, recipes hacks and brag about your sugar-free lives to each other with reckless abandon!

You used to snack… a lot!

One of the first things you’ll notice after quitting sugar is how much you probably used to snack. When you’re fuelled by sugar, you want more, and more, and MORE of it. But when you replace sugar with nutrient-dense meals packed with veggies, protein and healthy fats, your constant grazing will stop. This is great news for your waistline, as well as your wallet!

Other people will freak out.

Be prepared for those around you to openly share their opinions about your sugar-quitting journey with you. While some will be inspired and curious, others will simply not understand why you’ve nixed sugar. If you feel the death stares from across the table when you decide not to order dessert, stay strong! We’ve found that the best way to deal with any negativity is to simply say nothing.

Everything is clearer.

Seriously, as soon as you embrace your new sugar-free lifestyle, everything becomes clearer! Your skin, your eyes, your mind… You discover you’ve been living in a sugar-coloured fog for most of your life but once you ditch your dependancy on it, the rest of your life feels like less of a struggle too. Embrace it.


About Unknown


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