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Hit reboot with our 2-day sugar-free meal plan!

Written By Unknown on Friday 4 August 2017 | 13:00

We get it… sometimes we fall off the sugar-free wagon too. But before you succumb to a sugary binge-fest, get back on track with this simple 2-day reboot!

In just 48 hours, you can give your body a break and reset your system. Plus, these dishes are so delicious, you won’t even notice you’re gently recalibrating.

Start now and you’ll be feeling fresh as a daisy (with bundles of energy to boot) by the end of the weekend…

Day One

Breakfast: Kiwi Blueberry Mousse Smoothie

Some breakfast smoothies are packed with sugar. All you’ll find in this one are good fats, lots of protein and an absolutely delicious combination of kiwi, blueberry and coconut.

kiwi bluberry moose

Lunch: Kale Me Anytime Salad

This delicious salad will convert any kale-haters into believers. Serve up with any leftover protein lingering from last night’s dinner. A caveat: raw veggies can be tricky to digest – so feel free to blanch the kale and broccoli if you’re feeling particularly sluggish.

I Quit Sugar - Kale Salad from Katie Graham
Sarah’s Recalibrating Pork Meal

This hearty and satiating dish is Sarah’s go-to whenever she needs a reboot. Sarah says: “When I’ve been travelling or eating too much sugar (you heard right) or I’m just a breathing picture of average-ness (autoimmune inflammation and the like), this is the meal I turn to, generally with a dignified glass of preservative-free red wine.”

If you’re vego, sub out the pork for a soft-boiled egg, or pan-fried haloumi or tempeh. Feel free to double up on veggies, too!

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious recipe - Sarah Wilson's Recalibrating Pork Meal

Day Two

Breakfast: Corn Fritters with Bacon and Avocado Salsa

There’s a reason why this is one of our most popular recipes, ever. These fritters are healthy, tasty and keep you more than satisfied ’til lunch. Feel free to nix the bacon if you’re vegetarian!


Lunch: Leftover Kale Me Anytime Salad

Safe to say, we love our leftovers (it saves time AND money).

Dinner: Stir No-Fry with Coconut Cauliflower Rice 

We told you we were serious about our vegetables! For an easy nutrition upgrade, we’ve subbed out rice for cauliflower (and we think it tastes even better than real fried rice).


We originally published this article in December 2015. We updated it in August 2017.


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