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PROOF! You don’t HAVE to gain weight this winter

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 6 June 2017 | 21:27

It’s getting colder. You’re craving comfort foods. Your sweatpants are calling your name and you can’t bear the thought of peeling yourself off the couch to cook dinner.

Stop right there!

Did you know, 50 per cent of Aussies gain weight during the colder months with most reporting they pile on as much as 5kg?!

But just because it’s winter, you don’t have to fall into the dreaded weight gain trap.

Implement these tips to kick winter’s butt and stay on track through the chilly season.

Stick to your summer routine.

We know it’s cold, but don’t throw your daily routine out the window. The best way to stay on track is to stick to what you normally do – whether that’s devoting yourself to meal-prep Sundays or committing to your training schedule.

The 8-Week Program is specifically designed to help you form positive habits. With research showing it takes 66 days to break addictive behaviour and form new routines, consistency is key when it comes to staying focused through winter.

I Quit Sugar - Stick to your summer routine

Limit comfort foods.

The lure of takeaways can be even more enticing when it’s cold. Trouble is, they’re hefty on the sugar, and definitely contribute to winter weight gain.

If your cravings are too much to resist, try recreating your favourite comfort food at home (then you don’t have to leave the house!). Thai Chicken Burgers with Coriander Slaw with a serving of our Plum + Oat Crumble for dessert is one of our tastiest winter warmers!

Pimp your porridge for brekkie.

Nourishing oats are just what we need to bounce out of bed on those frosty mornings. Plus, oats keep you full until lunch (goodbye, mid-morning snack).

For a more exciting brekkie bowl, add some extra flavour to your porridge and see your satisfaction soar!


We know we bang on about it all the time, but the easiest way to avoid winter weight gain is to just eat real food! If you find you are hungrier during winter, fill up on veggies first, or even try a hearty soup!


About Unknown


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