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Is your kid a junk food junkie?

Written By Unknown on Sunday 4 June 2017 | 23:12

A new study has shown that nearly ALL of the food and drink ads kids view online are for junk food products.

And, the most regularly viewed ads are (no surprises here) for restaurants, sugary drinks, cookies and ice-cream.

Considering over 25% of Aussie kids are classed as overweight, we think it’s about time something was done to regulate the ads targeted at our kids.

The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) state that advertising for children should not encourage or promote unhealthy eating or drinking habits.

But, in an international survey of 128 food and nutrition experts, most respondents thought advertising restrictions were needed to protect children under 16. And, more than half believed the restriction should be enforced for under 18-year-olds. We’re inclined to agree!

What do you think? Is it time a restriction on junk food ads was put in place?


About Unknown


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