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7 reasons why you can’t break up with sugar

Written By Unknown on Friday 5 May 2017 | 13:07

Breaking up with sugar is like trying to dump that bad-for-you boyfriend.

It will woo you back with smooth moves and sweet charms, even when you know deep down you’re better off without it!

But quitting the sweet stuff for good doesn’t have to be romantic drama (just ask those on our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program). Here are seven reasons people struggle to dump sugar from their diet. And a few ideas on cutting it out of your life.

1. You use sugar as a reward.

Using cake to congratulate yourself for surviving a brutal day at work?

Problem is, the pleasure from a piece of pastry usually evaporates shortly after you finish licking your lips. You’re better off “rewarding” yourself with something that makes you feel good (a massage, a walk or a good book, perhaps?) and doesn’t leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth

2. You pick fructose-filled sugar substitutes.

Honey, maple syrup and dates may sound like healthier ways to satisfy your sweet tooth, but many alternative sweeteners often have as much fructose as the stuff you’re trying to avoid.

If you still need a drop of sweetness in your life, try low-fructose fruits like blueberries or use recipes made with IQS-approved sweet substitutes (in moderation, of course!)

3. You opt for artificial sweeteners.

You wouldn’t put up with a fake friend, and we don’t recommend opting for artificial sweeteners either.

As well as the associated health complications that come with some artificial sweeteners (diarrhea, anyone?) they can also make you more likely to eat sugar later. Instead, opt for fructose-free substitutes or “crowd out” that sweet tooth with veggies, proteins and quality fats.

4. You sub soda for store-bought juices and smoothies.

Some “healthy” store-bought drinks can contain up to 31 teaspoons of hidden sugar.Eek! Luckily for those who want to quit sugar but can’t give frappes the flick, we’re full of suggestions for legitimately good-for-you alternatives.

5. You only avoid obvious offenders.

Ditching dessert is a great start, but some of the worst fructose offenders are actually savoury. Turns out your barbecue sauce is full of the stuff and that low-fat yoghurt is a sugar bomb!

Your best bet? Steer clear of processed sweet AND savoury foods altogether and just eat real food instead!

6. You fear missing out.

The idea of a birthday without cake, or a lifetime cancelling Friday night drinks? No thanks! But what if we told you can still enjoy coffee, chocolate and even a glass of wine when you quit sugar? True story!

7. You give up when you fall off the wagon.

So you stumbled and fell (mouth first) into a plate of pie. Don’t give up if you don’t get it right the first time. It can take several tries to master this sugar-free thing. If you’re scared of going at it alone our

If you’re scared of going at it alone, our 8-Week Program can help with slip-ups by offering practical sugar-free meal plans, expert advice and a great support system of fellow sugar quitters.

We originally published this article in January 2016. We updated it in May 2017.


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