Meat is a great source of protein, but it can quickly run up your weekly shopping budget.
Luckily, we’re pros at eating healthy on the cheap. And we have a few tricks up our sleeves when it comes to saving money on meat.
1. Don’t be afraid to buy daggy.
For every expensive cut of meat, there’s usually a cheaper (and more flavorful! ) cut from nearly the same part of the animal.
Think chuck, cheeks, shins or even offal, if you’re game. Buying different, daggier cuts is not only cheaper (and more sustainable!) it opens you up to new ways of prepping and cooking your meat. Which brings us to…
2. Think about your slow cooker.
Cheaper cuts of meat can be a bit tougher. But when you cook them low and slow in your slow cooker, they become melt-in-your-mouth tender. And oh so delicious!
Plus, slow cooking is as easy as set and forget. Just bung your meat and seasonings in there, turn her on, and curl up with a good book while it does all the hard work. Too easy!
New to slow cooking? This Italian Beef Brisket is a great place to start!
3. Make the freezer your best friend.
We have always been supporters of the freezer stash. Freezing meat is great way to load up on your local deals at the supermarket whenever your favourite cuts are on sale.
If you’re worried about how long your meat will keep, check out our bluffer’s guide on freezing your food.
4. Buy wholesale or from local farms.
Wholesale meat suppliers often sell to local restaurants and grocery stores, but anyone off the street can buy meat in bulk too. You can get weeks (or months!) worth of beef, chicken, pork and fish for great prices. And whack it all in the freezer!
Local farms are also willing to sell you an entire cow or pig! A great way to save money, eat sustainably and support local business. If you’re not keen on the whole hog, think about going 50/50 on it with another family.
5. Cut down on how much meat you eat.
Meat eaters, stay calm. Don’t worry, we’re not telling you to give up meat entirely. It’s just about being more mindful about the meat you eat.
Try having a couple of days off a week and subbing in veggie sources of protein like legumes, dairy, whole grains nuts and seeds.
Want to give meat-free living a try? Our brand new Program, the 7-Day Reboot, has a whole vegetarian option. And packs in 7–9 serves of veg every day!
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