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Is your sugar addiction actually all in your head?

Written By Unknown on Thursday 30 March 2017 | 17:09

Tried to quit sugar but still can’t resist that tray of donuts? Is it actually all in your head?

As a hypnotherapist specialising in chronic illness and weight loss, I’ve been helping people quit sugar and transform their health for years.

Through my practice, I’ve learned that more often than not, quitting sugar begins with the mind. And when the mind heals, the body can, too.

Programmed for sweetness.

What most people don’t realise is that we’ve been programmed to want sugar at a very basic, subconscious level.

Have you been to many birthday parties where there’s no cake? We mark happy events with happy (often sugary) food, which tells our subconscious mind that sugar = happiness.

We often reach for sugary foods any time we crave the feeling of sweetness; of joy, fulfilment, and love. But sugar is only a temporary (and toxic) solution.

It’s all in your head.

Your current state of health is a product of your past, of your beliefs and your programming.

You can eat right, exercise, and drink all the green smoothies in the world but if you’re mind’s not on board, it will be very hard – I’d say impossible – to make sustainable, long-term change.

You could want something on a conscious level but your subconscious mind is the one running the show. It controls your instincts, behaviours and — yes — your cravings.

Reprogramming the mind.

Reprogramming the subconscious mind to reject sugar cravings and desire healthy food sounds like magic; but, really, it’s called hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is the tool that allows us to work with the subconscious mind to dissolve destructive patterns and create new, positive ones.

Communicating with the mind at such a deep level creates permanent change. It allows us to emotionally detox and rewire the mind to support our desires. And really quit sugar for good.


About Unknown


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