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Can you eat too much protein?

Written By Unknown on Sunday 12 March 2017 | 22:38

Protein. As the building blocks of life, it’s essential we’re getting enough of it.

Questions is, can we have too much of a good thing? Can we eat too much protein?

You guys have asked us about this a lot on the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program. So we chatted with dietitian and IQS expert Natalie Bourke to get the skinny.

Why is protein important?

They don’t call them “building blocks” for nothing. Protein is critical to growth and repair of all tissues in the body.

“It’s also important for supplying the amino acids (the little guys that make up protein) that let the body produce neurotransmitters like “feel good” serotonin,” says Nat.

“Not to mention its role in stabilising blood sugar levels and keeping you satiated between meals!”

How much protein should we eat?

Unfortunately, there’s no hard and fast rule. Your requirements depend on a heap of individual factors.

“Exercise load, illness, pregnancy and your specific health goals (weight loss, muscle growth or regular ol’ tissue upkeep) all play a part,” says Nat.

“As a general recommendation for an average healthy individual, I would aim for anywhere between 15–25 per cent of energy intake to be from protein.” If you think about it in practical terms, that’s a little under a quarter of your plate at each meal.

Can you eat too much protein?

When your body finds itself with too much protein, it will convert the byproduct (ammonia) into urea and ferry it off for the kidneys to get rid of, says Nat.

Your body is actually pretty great at doing this. But if you’re eating insane amounts of protein over a long period of time, you can put extra strain on your kidneys, meaning they might not work at their very best.

Another thing to consider: if you’re eating a lot of protein, you’re probably not eating as much of those fibre-rich fruits and veggies your body needs to keep everything moving along, er, down there. Which is going to leave you mighty blocked up!

Sound like you?

If you think you’re going a little too hard on the eggs and steak every now and then, don’t stress too much, says Nat. Just make sure you’re balancing out with plenty of veggies and fruits most of the time (in other words, just JERF!).

But If you feel like you are chronically on a high protein diet without a therapeutic need for it, Nat recommends checking in with your nutritionist to help determine the correct amount for you.


About Unknown


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