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11 most hilariously useless kitchen gadgets (+ one that will change your life)

Written By Unknown on Monday 6 March 2017 | 21:01

Occasionally you receive or buy a kitchen gadget that makes you exclaim, “How have I EVER lived without this?!”.

But most of the time, it’s a waffle bowl maker or vegetable dehydrator that you use once before abandoning to your corner cupboard forever.

Aside from being a huge waste of resources, the ludicrousness of some kitchen gadgets does crack us up. The only reason to buy these useless kitchen gadgets is if you enjoy collecting dust!

1. Banana slicer.

Oh, if only there were some other way to break through the banana’s tough inner flesh!

2. Pickle picker.

Yes, you could buy one of these miniature claws for $8.99. Or, you could use a fork.

3. Cake tester.

For the person who has everything, including the pickle picker – a cake tester. For when garden-variety skewers just won’t do the job.

4. Fat magnet.

This tool is used to skim off fat, just in case you’re living in the Sixties, when fat was “bad for you”. Also, it apparently doesn’t work.

5. Egg Master.

Squeamish? Look away now. This… thing transforms perfectly good eggs into pure cylindrical evil. The Guardian’s Rhik Samadder has compared it to “alien parasite in search of a host body.”

6. Ham Dogger.

Yay, more cylinders. This tool molds hamburger meat into a hotdog shape, for those times when you forget sausages exist.

7. Musical cake slicer.

Owning a cake slicer is one thing. But owning one that sings happy birthday to you is quite another.

8. Quesadilla maker.

No, people, an ordinary pan or, forbid, a sandwich press WILL NOT DO. Clearly you need this unwieldy contraption to make quesadillas!

9. Banana Surprise Yumstation.

We… we just can’t. No banana deserves to be hollowed out and pumped full of goo. Like, just why.

10. Pizza scissors.


11. The selfie toaster.

For just $75 you too can have your morning toast with the lingering aftertaste of burnt bread and the surreality of eating your own face.

One kitchen gadget that will actually change your life…

That was… exhausting. But there is one contraption that actually will make you wonder how you lived without it – the slow cooker.

While a little cumbersome, the slow cooker is the biggest kitchen timesaver – just dump the ingredients and press go. It’s also super energy efficient!

Cooking everything from curries to cakes to perfection, it will definitely take pride of place on your kitchen bench.


About Unknown


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