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40 tips to help you quit sugar for Lent

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 28 February 2017 | 21:12

Today marks the start of Lent, a Christian tradition of fasting. For 40(ish) days, people give up something that leads them astray – from alcohol to social media to sugar.

And if you’re about to quit sugar for Lent, you might be wondering just how on earth you’ll manage it!

After all, sugar is one of the hardest things to fast – it’s in EVERYTHING. It’s also pretty addictive, so quitting it can be a tough slog.

Still, we have some tips that will help you stay on the wagon for the whole 40 days. And if you’re not doing Lent, quit sugar with us anyway – we have it on good authority there are some neat health benefits!

  1.  Join the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program. It starts on March 2 – isn’t that convenient? 
  2. Detox your cupboards. I cast thee out, sugar!
  3. Donate your non-perishables to a food charity. They will gladly take them off your hands.
  4. Educate yourself on effects of sugar. You won’t feel as tempted when you just how much sugar can affect your risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and fatty liver.
  5. Read the IQS blog for support. We hear the writers are pretty good with sugar-quitting tips.
  6. Plan your meals ahead. Find some recipes you’re sure to love. More efficiency, less waste.
  7. Do a big cookup on the weekend. You’ll eat well all week long, fuss free!

  8. Don’t eat “healthy” sugars. Not only is it cheating on Lent, sugars like honey, dates and agave syrup are high in fructose and very moreish. Don’t make it harder!

  9. Have a glass of wine. Did you know you can drink wine and beer when you quit sugar?
  10. You can also have carbs! A slice of sourdough or some veggie pasta is fine by us.
  11. And you can have a little chocolate. Just stick to 85 per cent cacao or lower.
  12. Be thankful you didn’t quit wine, carbs or chocolate for Lent. Sugar’s easy by comparison!
  13. Fill up on healthy fats. They’ll keep you nicely satiated.
  14. Have some haloumi. Because it’s the bomb.
  15. Avoid processed foods. About 80 per cent of them contain added sugar.
  16. Try our two-ingredient snacks to kill cravings. Peanut Butter Cookies, anyone?
  17. Eat lots of vegetables. Filling, healthy AND delicious? Why did junk food ever take off?
  18. Have a little fruit. But only if you’re confident it won’t set off sugar cravings. We quit it for four weeks, then have one or two pieces a day.
  19. Drink herbal tea, a lot of it. It’s naturally sweet and sugar-free.
  20. If that doesn’t work… cinnamon busts cravings AND could even lower blood sugar.
  21. Smell some vanilla. It may be good for sugar cravings? Can’t hurt to try!
  22. Identify the reasons behind your cravings. Are you using sugar to suppress or avoid anything? Maybe it’s time to address your relationship with food.
  23. Keep up the exercise. It’s good for your immune system, cardiovascular health, mood and so much more.
  24. You can even just go for a walk. There’s nothing like it to clear your head! Get out there in the beauty of nature.
  25. Shop around the outside of the supermarket. That’s where all the good stuff is.
  26. Even better, try the farmers’ markets. Local is always better!
  27. Don’t buy Easter eggs. We know what you’re thinking – “I’ll put these away for when Lent is over”. But the temptation will be too much!
  28. Seriously. Put the Creme Eggs down. You probably won’t want them by the end of this.
  29. Cook everything from scratch. Get back in touch with the amazingness of fresh produce.
  30. Cook for others. Give a meal to someone who might need it, or throw a dinner party for friends you haven’t seen. It’s sure to lift your spirits.
  31. Find your best options for eating out. Quitting sugar shouldn’t mean the end of your social life.
  32. Meditate. However you like to do it! A calm mind is a calm body.
  33. Track your progress in a diary. You can’t really talk to people about your Lenten sacrifice, so note your symptoms and reflections on paper. It will help!
  34. Note the benefits. Even though you’re not doing Lent for yourself, the health benefits are worth being thankful for.
  35. Think about the bigger things. There’s so much more to entertain our minds with than the thought of dessert!
  36. Form new habits. When you feel like a sweet, do something constructive instead, like reading a book.
  37. Volunteer for a food charity. And reflect on how lucky we are that we can choose to eat healthily.
  38. Don’t freak if you fall off the wagon. It happens to everyone. What matters is you pick yourself up and try again.
  39. Plan your sugar-free feast. Get your friends around on Easter and enjoy a celebratory meal, like our Hazelnut Roast Pork
  40. Keep up the good work! Once you’ve beat your sugar addiction, why go back to the junk? Now you have the chance to focus on things that truly matter.

About Unknown


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