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Why quitting sugar is the anti New Year’s resolution

Written By Unknown on Sunday 1 January 2017 | 11:10

Each and every New Year, we’re bombarded by the same diet messaging.

“Shift that festive flab!” “Start the New Year skinny!” And, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, the particularly timeworn “get your body bikini-ready for summer!”. Hey guys, all you need for a bikini body is a bikini and a body. Fact.

Fad diets don’t work. 

We don’t know about you, but we’re tired of these two-week plans with ridiculous fat-shredding, tummy-flattening claims. Not least because these “diets” don’t work.

As well as claims by experts that up to 95 per cent of “diets” fail in the long term, the restrictive nature of fad diets (we’re looking at you, Lemon Detox) can make you fatigued and depressed.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, if you’re serious about getting healthy in the New Year, you might want to consider quitting sugar. What, but isn’t that another “diet”, you say?

Well, we tend to think that quitting sugar is one of the most sustainable, realistic and tasty lifestyle changes you can make.

We learn to love our food, respect our bodies and eat abundantly.

The worst part of those crash diets is feeling hungry and fatigued (no wonder people cave in and run to their nearest candy vendor).

On the 8-Week Program, we show you how to “crowd out” your plate with fibre-rich veggies, equip you with a list of protein-rich snacks and encourage satiating healthy fats like avocado to fill you up. In other words, if you’re hungry, you’re quitting sugar wrong.

By quitting sugar, we just eat real food and cut the crap.

The biggest principle of quitting sugar is JERF (Just Eat Real Food). When you quit sugar, the processed junk typically goes along with it.

Forget meal replacement shakes and calorie counting, we’re all about eating like our great-grandparents used to (it didn’t involve a calculator). We also teach you heaps of recipes, cooking and planning skills so you’ll never have to eat takeout again!

We get the appetite “back to factory settings”.

Ever wondered why once you start eating a little chocolate, you just can’t stop? Studies have shown that fructose increases your appetite, while addicting you to the stuff.

It can be a slog at first, but once you kick the sugar habit, you’ll be more in-tune with your hunger cues and stop going back to empty calories.

We focus on holistic health, not a dress (or suit) size.

While some diets are all about bikini bodies and reducing cellulite, we focus on your health (and that doesn’t necessarily equate to a number).

While many people do lose weight and keep it off when they quit sugar, we encourage you to think of the Program as a gentle experiment and note the other health changes you might experience, including clearer skin, increased energy and better concentration.

Plus, if you have any pressing health questions, our Program experts, including nutritionists, psychologists and general practitioners, will be there to guide you and celebrate milestones every step of the way. Now that’s a Happy New Year!

We originally published this post in December 2015. We updated it in January 2017.


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