Ready to join us for #SugarFreeFebruary?
For the next 28 days, we challenge you to kick sugar to the curb and see how much better you feel.
We’ll be sharing heaps of tips, tricks and support on along the way (just like we do on our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program).
So, how much sugar are you eating? Here are the facts.
The World Health Organization recommends we stick to 6–9 teaspoons of added sugar per day. According to the most recent stats, most of us are consuming double that.
Yep. The average Australian eats about 14 teaspoons of added sugar each day. That number TRIPLES for teenage boys, who are eating up to 38 teaspoons. EVERY DAY!
And this much sugar is making us fat and sick. So far, sugar has been linked to:
- Obesity and metabolic syndrome.
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- Type-2 diabetes.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Stroke.
- Premature aging.
- Tooth decay.
And the list goes on…
But don’t lose heart just yet! Quitting sugar isn’t as hard as you think!
To prove it, we’ve asked Marie (our online community coordinator Hannah’s sugar-loving housemate), to give #SugarFreeFebruary a try with us.
Marie goes sugar-free!
Marie reckons she probably eats too much sugar. But the thought of quitting has always scared her.
“I haven’t focused on sugar,” she says. “It all seemed too hard… It looked like it would take a lot of time and research to know how to cut it out!” (Sound familiar?)
Marie tries to drink two litres of water each day (go Marie!). “But I find it really hard,” she says. “So I flavour my water with cordial.”
This habit adds about 14 teaspoons of sugar to Marie’s daily quota straight off the bat. And that’s if she’s diluting it to HALF the recommended serving!
This, combined with a chocolate bar most nights (3.5 teaspoons per 25g bar), low-fat yoghurt (5.4 teaspoons per 175g cup) and a few ready-made meals a week (3 teaspoons per 370g meal) puts Marie well above the recommended limit.
It’s also a reminder of how sugar sneaks into so much of what we eat every day!
Follow Marie’s sugar-free journey as she tries to cut down her sugar intake.
Don’t worry Marie, we’ll be with you every step of the way!
We’ll be keeping you up to date with her progress on Instagram. You can play along at home and let us know how you’re going by using the hashtag.
How much sugar could you cut out this #SugarFreeFebruary by simply saying no to that morning glass of juice or 3pm banana bread?
Let’s do this!
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