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5 people you never thought could quit sugar

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 18 January 2017 | 21:01

Thinking about quitting sugar? Why not start with just one month and see for yourself?

Quit sugar for just 28 days this February to see how much better you’ll feel off the sweet stuff. Follow our #SugarFreeFebruary community and keep tabs on the blog for plenty of tips for staying sugar-free.

And, if you’re not sure if you can do it, these five inspirational people prove that anyone (from busy businesspeople to busy families) can quit sugar for good.

1. The high-flying lawyer.

You might think: With all that stress, it would be face-first into the chocolates after court closes, guilty as charged. And you really think a lawyer would have time to cook healthy meals from scratch for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I object!

The reality? The 8-Week Program is designed to help even the busiest professionals organise meal times (we do wonderful things with leftovers).

Rani is a lawyer who has done the program SIX TIMES, saying: “It’s like the IQS fairies came and gave me an hour back every Saturday morning. And gone are those mid-week decisions about what to eat for dinner.” Doesn’t she look radiant!

IQS: Rani Hansen testimonial

2. The grub-loving bloke.

You might think: A real man won’t put up with these tiny, bird-like portions of rabbit food. Pass us the steak, love, and the beer (I know for a fact there is sugar in that!).

The reality? We offer enough protein on both the omnivore and vegetarian meal plans for a dude (like Hamish, for example) to get stuck into, plus our serving sizes are not to be trifled with. They don’t call them abundance bowls for no reason!

And you’ll be pleased to know that beer contains zero fructose and is therefore allowed on the Program (in moderation, of course!). No wonder even celeb blokes like Peter FitzSimons and John Goodman are getting in on the action.

I Quit Sugar - Like a nice cheese, it appears that quitting sugar can get even better with age too

3. The professional foodie.

You might think: If my job was to taste food and test recipes all day, I’d never be able to quit sugar (actually, you might have to roll me out of the house). There is no way that a professional foodie could resist all that temptation.

The reality? Being a food lover doesn’t mean you have to love all the food, all of the time. Former BBC food writer Caroline Hire broke her dessert addiction on the Program and found she could satisfy her gourmet side just as well with savoury foods.

And when she does have a sweet treat, a small amount is enough.

IQS: I Quit Sugar: 8 Week Program

4. The newly engaged.

You might think: Puh-lease. How will they avoid all the champagne toasts and sugary hens dos now they are engaged? Then there’s the matter of trying all those wedding cakes…

The reality? Even the biggest social butterfly can quit sugar. When Rosie and her fiancé John quit sugar, they were right in the middle of that busy wedding time.

Now they’ve lost 20kg between them, feel healthier than ever and have the willpower not to crash face-first into a tray of His and Hers party treats. As Rosie says, “Quitting sugar was surprisingly easy – and fun!”

I Quit Sugar – Rosie’s story: “I quit sugar to lose weight before my wedding… but never expected it would help my arthritis.”

5. The entire family of five!

You might think: Quitting sugar with kids? Pull the other one! Not only are kids supposed to have some sugar, they’d be so grouchy without it. Your meal plans are obviously not designed for a family.

The reality? Aussie kids are eating over 14 teaspoons of sugar a day (while those in the UK are at 15!). This is all contributing to rising cases of childhood obesity and tooth decay, so trust us, they’ll be better off without it.

Our Program meals are kid-friendly (hello, tacos!) and can easily be multiplied. Elise quit sugar with her entire family of five and says: “I’m pleased to say my family enjoyed the meals. They were quick to prepare and the Sunday Cook-Up is a genius time-saving idea.”


This article was originally published in January 2016. We updated it in January 2017.


About Unknown


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