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5 ways to quit sugar and not kill your social life

Written By Unknown on Friday 16 December 2016 | 11:07

From birthday parties to Christmas to brunch with the girls, so many of our social occasions revolve around food.

Which can make going out kind of awkward if you’ve quit sugar. While well-meaning, other people can get a little funny when you choose to decline the birthday cake or champagne (cue the calls to “just have one” and “live a little!”).

The trick is to stay positive and own your decisions. Here are our pro tips to staying away from sugar while staying social.

1. Drinks at the pub.

Many people are surprised to learn alcohol in moderation is not off the menu on the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program. It’s just about being smart and choosing the right things.

At the pub, opt for clear spirits mixed with soda (hot tip: jazz it up with fresh lime or cucumber), red wine, or beer (which is made from maltose, not fructose). Avoid sugary mixers like tonic and lemonade at all costs.

2. The restaurant get together.

When you’ve just quit sugar, restaurants can be pretty scary. What the heck do you order? What will the waiter say if you ask about the ingredients in a dish?

But remember that a) as a paying customer, you have the right to ask if any sugar has been used in a dish and b) your waiter is there to help! If in doubt, memorise a couple of go to dishes that you know are delicious and a safe bet. (Also, cheese for dessert!)

3. The cocktail party.

Oh canapés, you little bites of tempting deliciousness. Unfortunately, many regulars on the canapé circuit are hiding teaspoons of the sweet stuff.

We would always suggest eating something before this kind of event so you’re less likely to cave to a buffet binge. Avoid caramelised, glazed or balsamic anything, as well as dipping sauces and sushi platters. Opt instead for grilled meats, fresh sashimi, mini quiche and dips like hummus or guacamole.

“Gouda” news for dairy lovers, the cheese board is also open slather!

 4. The dinner party.

You “oohed” at your friend’s zucchini soup and “ahhed” over the slow cooked lamb. Next up on the menu? Salted caramel tarts with ice cream. Uh oh!

It can be hard to say no to a sugary dessert when your mate’s been slaving over a stove for two hours. Our suggestion? Take control! “If you’re going to a friend’s place for dinner, offer to bring dessert,” says Sarah. “Then you can own the situation.”

5. The birthday celebration.

What’s a birthday without birthday cake? This can be one of the trickiest minefields when quitting the sweet stuff.

But know this (and feel free to give doubters the reminder): The real joy in these situations comes from the milestone you’re celebrating and the loved ones you’re surrounded with. It’s NOT the slice of cake you eat!

This article was originally published in July 2016. We updated it in December 2016.


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