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5 terrible New Year’s Resolutions that set you up to fail

Written By Unknown on Thursday 22 December 2016 | 16:52

It’s this time of year when all the magazines and diet programs in the world zero in on three simple words: New Year’s resolutions.

Ah yes, remember your 2016 New Year’s resolutions? Of course, you don’t. Because nobody can keep them for more than few days before caving in like normal humans.

This year, our only New Year’s resolution is no New Year’s resolution. Here are some of the worst that are guaranteed to set you up to fail (and some small, sustainable goals to try instead).

1. Lose X amount of weight.

This probably the most popular New Years resolution, surely accompanied by a million different fad diets. But weight loss is finicky we all have different natural weights for our bodies (and its not always looking like a Victorias Secret model).

If you need to lose weight, placing your self-worth on a number could leave you frustrated when you dont reach it, and lead to unhealthy eating patterns. Instead, focus on eating real, whole foods youll find you probably reach your natural weight this way anyway.

2. Join a gym.

Theres nothing wrong with the gym (except for equipment hogs, theyre the worst). You just shouldnt join one on a whim because its January 1st. Firstly, its expensive. And secondly, you need to check in with yourself to find out what exercise youll find enjoyable and sustainable. It may be as simple as walking to work.

3. Stop eating junk food.

The less processed food, the better. But putting a huge stop sign on junky foods is likely to make you crave it even more. Negative resolutions are pretty much designed for us to rebel (that old reverse psychology).

In reality, we all fall off the wagon and eat something less-than-healthy from time to time. Again, focus on eating real food everyday, and itll be okay to have birthday cake or movie popcorn once in a while.

4. No more drinking. Ever.

So, you want to give up the booze right in the middle of the summer party season? Good luck. While we don’t encourage huge amounts of drinking any time of the year, theres nothing wrong with a glass or two of red wine or beer with dinner, if that’s what you enjoy.

And if you think you might have a drinking problem, it’s not the best idea to tackle it on your own. Make 2017 the year you prioritise your health by seeking professional help.

5. Stop being stressed.

Oh, we love this resolution. Its totally unrealistic to ban stress instead, find stressors you can cut out your life (like that frenemy who is doing you no good). Choose small, achievable ways to find calm like exercise, meditation or therapy. This approach will make for a much happier new year.

What small and achievable goals will you be working towards in the New Year?


About Unknown


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