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6 quirkiest fitness trends of 2016 (+ the ones that actually work!)

Written By Unknown on Sunday 30 October 2016 | 22:14

While there’s nothing wrong with a good walk (some science suggests a simple stroll can actually improve your health more than intense cardio), we still like to mix it up a little.

And over the past year, we’ve seen some new and exciting fitness trends getting people up and moving. But are they are really effective, or just a bit of fun?

1. “Functional training”.

Originally designed for rehabilitation, functional training aims to train the body for everyday activities. Think lots of squats, weight-bearing exercises and deadlifts, which certainly come in handy when carrying groceries.

Our verdict: Matt, our programs coordinator, swears by functional training.

“It’s easy to see why we are doing the exercises we are doing as I can see the benefits in everyday movement.”

2. OPA-cize.

Meet the first Greek dance fitness class – a vigorous cardio workout disguised with a whole lot of kefi (fun in Greek). Now running in Australia, Canada, the UK and U.S., OPA-cize is kicking and spinning its way around the globe, helping everyone work off that extra haloumi.

Our verdict: We haven’t tried it, but we have done the Zorba’s dance at a Greek wedding or two. From that experience, we reckon OPA-cize could be the most enjoyable cardio ever. Opa!

3. Bikram yoga.

Have you ever been in the middle of a downward dog and thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if I was, like, 90 times sweatier?”. Bikram yoga, performed in room heated to 40°C (104°F) with 40 per cent humidity, is claimed to help detoxify and stretch muscles.

Note: If you’re joining us on our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program, you may want to join a less intense “warm” yoga class rather than Bikram – our bodies are going through enough changes as it is!

Our verdict: Bikram is not for everyone. Even our online community coordinator Hannah, who has done 40 Bikram classes in the last 40 days (whaaat), admits it is very challenging.

“The first classes were very intense – I was scared I was going to pass out. But after five classes, I just stopped noticing it. And your muscles are so relaxed in the heat, you get the most out of the poses.”

4. Bouldering.

Literally rock climbing without harnesses, bouldering gives your body an extreme workout – because if you relax just a bit, it’s down you go. While that might sound dangerous, bouldering walls are fairly short and the ground is covered in soft mats.

Our verdict: While social media manager Lee hasn’t climbed without a harness, she advocates climbing as a great way to build strength without hitting the weight machines.

“I like rock climbing because it’s recreational, rather than a workout. It’s hard, but it’s so much fun you don’t even know you’re exercising – until the sore muscles the next day!”

5. Silent disco yoga.

That does say “silent disco yoga”. Run by Flow Athletic’s yogi supreme Kate Kendall, these massive classes (500 people or more) are run in the dark, with a live DJ and glow in the dark headphones (pictured above).

Our verdict: Underneath all the gimmicks, it’s just a really good yoga class, says our writer Rachel.

“After I stopped worrying my headphones would fall off during down dog, I really got into the flow. The darkness certainly helped me be less self-conscious and Kate Kendall is an amazing teacher.”

6. Justin Bieber dance class.

Or Beyonce HIIT class… or Rihanna spin class. We’ve spotted quite a few studios offering classes set to the jams of our favourite artists. This is a trend we can definitely get behind – Adele yoga, anyone?

Our verdict: Senior writer + editor Camilla is an unashamed Belieber. While she truly sweated it out to Sorry, the next day, her muscles were like baby, baby, baby, nooo.

“We shook our butts to the Biebs for a good hour and a half. Honestly, the energy was so fantastic I could have kept dancing all night! Later, everything hurt… but in a good way.”

Are these the quirkiest workout trends of 2016? Tell us which ones you’ve tried below.


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