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7 surprisingly high calcium foods that aren’t milk

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 | 18:04

Calcium is pretty darn important, we can all agree. It’s crucial for strengthening teeth and bones, as well as regulating the functions of our muscles, nervous system and heart.

Adults should get at least 1,000 mg of calcium a day, and one of the best sources is dairy. But what if you’re lactose-intolerant, or simply prefer not to eat dairy?

Don’t fret. We’ve pulled together a list of 10 super high calcium foods that didn’t come from a cow – yep, we think you’ll be udder-ly surprised by what we’ve found! (Sorry.)

1. Dark leafy greens.

We didn’t actually need an excuse to gorge ourselves on broccoli, bok choy, kale and collards, but we’ll take it anyway! Steamed, fried or roasted, these dark leafy greens are loaded up with calcium and other bone-healthy minerals.

2. Okra.

If you always walk past okra in the supermarket aisle, this is your sign to stick it in your trolley. It’s super high in calcium, but it’s also a mucilage, which means it goes slimy when you cook it. Don’t be put off – this goo soothes the tummy and keeps things, er, regular.

3. Almonds.

Ah, our go-to snack for keeping the sugar cravings at bay. For a calcium-packed afternoon snack, try making your own almond milk, almond butter or even our fan favourite Almond Butter Bark.

4. Cress.

That weird, weedy stuff you usually reserve for mini sandwiches at high tea is actually chock-a-block with calcium. Bet you’ll be loading it on your sarnies now!

5. Small bony fish.

Haven’t you heard? Sardines are back en vogue! With teeny edible bones, sardines (and their friends, anchovies and whiting) have plenty of calcium for such tiny fish. Plus they’re much more sustainable than tuna or salmon.

6. White beans.

Also known as the common bean, these little beauties have a huge amount of calcium. Try adding a cup or two to soups, stews and salads. You’ll be – literally! – full of beans.

7. Sesame seeds.

There’s plenty more use for sesame seeds than topping burger buns. Absolutely packed with calcium, you can add a dollop of delicious tahini (sesame seed butter) to almost any meal. Just make sure it’s the unhulled kind or you’ll lose some of that good nutrition!

Are you dairy-free? Do you have other high calcium foods to add to the list? Let us know how you get your calcium intake in the comments below.

We originally published this article in July 2015. We updated it in September 2016.


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