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How to reuse your avocado pip (+ 5 other weird ways reduce food waste)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 16 August 2016 | 23:13

Did you know you can actually reuse an avocado pip to make a face mask, a natural pink dye, a herbal tea OR a nutritional smoothie supplement? Who knew!?

We love discovering new and wacky ways to reduce food waste around the home (after all, Sarah is an expert!). And with food waste costing the average Aussie household more than $2,200 per year (and 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted globally), we reckon every avo pip saved is doing its bit to reverse some pretty scary stats.

Ready to have your mind blown? These totally weird (but actually pretty easy!) hacks will help you get creative with your scraps to reduce food waste at home. And do a whole lot of saving in the process!

1. Don’t skip on that banana peel!

Far from being just a (hilarious) comedy punchline, banana peels are actually edible, and packed with nutrients and fibre. Try roasting them in the oven on high with a little cinnamon and coconut oil for 15 minutes (flipping the peels half way) for a banana bread-sque snack (minus the added sugar!).

Not sold on the banana peel eating thing? You can also give your shoes a shine by rubbing the inside of the peel over them and buffing away with a soft cloth.

2. Cracked egg hack.

Instead of binning your eggshells, blend them up in a food processor and sprinkle them directly on your garden beds. They’ll add a healthy dose of calcium to your soil that your plants will thank you for!

3. Rosemary stalk repurpose.

Use your leftover woody rosemary stalks as skewers at your next barbecue. The aromatic, oily goodness of the rosemary will infuse with the meat and veg (and haloumi, of course!) for a fuss-free marinade built right in!

5. Pineapple head.

You can actually use the top of a pineapple to grow ANOTHER PINEAPPLE! Simply pop the top stalky part of the fruit in a shallow glass of water (so the bottom of the stalk is suspended just above the water), let the roots sprout (about a week or two), then plant in a pot of soil. Voila!

Pineapples are a little high on the fructose-meter, so they’re definitely a special occasions fruit. They make a handsome plant in the meantime, though!

6. When life hands you lemons…

You can do a whole lot of cool things! Use citrus peels to infuse oils oil liquor or keep your bin from stinking up the kitchen. Half a lemon rubbed on your stovetop will keep it clean and shiny, while a cup of lemon juice can make your laundry whites even whiter (no Napisan required!).

 What are some other weird ways to reduce food waste you’ve tried?


About Unknown


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