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7 real inspirational people who changed their lives when they quit sugar

Written By Unknown on Sunday 28 August 2016 | 13:01

So many “diet” programs have shiny, perfect, supermodel spokespersons. And let’s face it – it’s not always something we can relate to!

We love to see real people make a difference and change their health for the better. From the multitasking mum-of-three to the couple who convinced their doctor to quit sugar, here are 7 of our favourite inspirations who’ve taken this sugar-free thing and made it their own!

Tabitha got healthy after having a baby and lost 15kg.

After gaining 40kg during pregnancy, Tabitha was firmly stuck on the diet rollercoaster – trying out fads like diet shakes and not eating after 6pm. Nothing worked… until Tabitha quit sugar.

“I saw Sarah Wilson on TV and she was talking about sugar. I was shocked! Those shakes I was having had icing sugar as the first ingredient!” says Tabitha. “At first, people kept telling me it’s impossible, sugar is in everything, but the results speak for themselves. I’ve now lost 15kg and feel better than ever.”

I Quit Sugar – Tabitha: “I quit sugar and lost 15 kilos!”

Elise quit sugar with her family of five (no tantrums here!).

After realising how much sugar was actually on her shopping list, Elise (@healthyfamily5 on Instagram) got her entire family of five on the sugar-free wagon. And it was a lot easier than she expected!

“I’m pleased to say my family enjoyed the meals. They were quick to prepare and the Sunday Cook-Up is a genius time-saving idea,” says Elise. “I easily found the ingredients at my local supermarket and my grocery bills were no more expensive.”

I Quit Sugar – How this mum did the 8-Week Program with her family of 5

Liz became a JERF master!

Liz thought she ate healthy, but she was tired all the time and generally didn’t feel her best. That’s when she discovered that all of the diet programs she saw promoted processed foods like low-fat dairy and artificial sweeteners. She decided to follow a different approach…

“I Quit Sugar’s wholefood, nose-to-tail ethos just made so much sense to me. Since quitting sugar I have lost 9.5kg (more than 1.5st). I have a ton of energy, I stop eating when I’m full and I don’t feel the need to snack. I could never understand why my skin was in poor condition and I felt lethargic all the time. Now I know why – all you need to do is JERF!” says Liz.

I Quit Sugar – Liz: "Since quitting sugar, I've lost 9.5 kg simply by eating whole food."

Trish and her husband saw such great results, their GP bought our book!

Trish suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome, while her husband is an insulin-dependent type 2 diabetic. And, while these conditions are not yet curable, this dynamic duo found them much easier to manage after quitting sugar.

My husband has more than halved his insulin intake and is possibly not far off being insulin free,” says Trish. “For the first time in almost 30 years, I have had regular periods. Our GP is amazed and has gone and bought Sarah’s book!”


Ashleigh became a great, healthy example for her patients.

Ashleigh is a physiotherapist studying to be a doctor – but, she experienced the same conditions she was trying to prevent in her obese patients and had already undergone knee surgery. When she clocked in at 107 kg, she knew things had to change.

“I felt like a hypocrite at work because I didn’t feel as though I could encourage my patients in their pursuit of health,” says Ashleigh. “The sugar-free life is great! I sleep well, have energy every morning to train hard and don’t get a 3pm slump. I don’t have major mood swings, can concentrate forever and my skin is acne-free for the first time since I was about 13 years old. Plus I’ve lost 15kg and I’m still shrinking.”


Simon took care of his physical and mental health.

Simon had quit sugar before and felt a significant improvement in his mental health. But after tragically losing his girlfriend to suicide, his health hit rock bottom. Knowing that he couldn’t keep this lifestyle up together, he decided to quit sugar for good.

Simon says: “I have more energy, and more of my time is filled with looking after myself. I don’t think I’ll ever be fully free of depression. But having a diet filled with fresh and nourishing food has helped enormously with the range of the swing I experience. And I’m able to spot the change and act on it faster than I have before.”

Simon’s story: “Quitting sugar helped me put my life back together.”

Georgia got educated on healthy foods and lost 40kg.

Georgia was born with a severe neurological condition and doctors said she wouldn’t survive childhood. But Georgia defied the odds and, at 21, she’s taken her health into her own hands.

“I wanted to get healthy and to lose weight. I was really worried when Dad had a heart attack and was in hospital. He was only 52. I didn’t want Dad to die and I didn’t want to die. So I asked Dad and Mum to help me to make better choices at the supermarket,” says Georgia. “I stopped eating sugar and started eating my veggies. I’ve lost 40kg so far and I’m still on target to achieve my goal!”

IQS: Georgia testimonial

We originally published this article in June 2016. We updated it in August 2016.


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