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6 reasons why we’re coconuts for coconut oil

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 6 July 2016 | 23:13

Oh coconut oil, is there anything you can’t do?

From boosting the immune system to busting sugar cravings, it’s really no wonder why coconut oil is an IQS pantry staple (and why we’ve gone ahead and developed our very own). Here’s why we’re completely coconuts for coconut oil.

It’s an excellent source of saturated fat.

That’s right, some fats are good for you! Saturated fats in particular help to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, boost immunity, build strong bones and, you know, keep our very cell structure together.

It’s a wonderful cooking companion.

Coconut oil has super high smoke point, so it can be cooked to the highest temperatures needed for frying and the like. It’s naturally sweet taste also works great in sweet treats like brownies and cakes.

It’s a sure-fire sugar-craving buster.

A spoonful of coconut oily goodness is Sarah’s go-to when she’s hankering for something sweet. Chocolate lovers can also add a little raw cacao powder for a sugar-free choc hit.

It’s an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Coconut oil helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to a whole host of unpleasant health issues including cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and depression. And it boasts powerful antioxidant properties to boot!

It’s a bug banisher.

Coconut oil is really high in lauric acid, which – in addition to its antimicrobial and antifungal qualities – disrupts some viruses ability to replicate, so our body can fight them off more easily.

It’s a heart helper.

Contrary to popular thought about fat and cholesterol, some saturated fats actually give our good cholesterol levels a boost.

Emerging studies have also found coconut oil lowers blood pressure and reduces abdominal obesity, all of which makes for a happy and healthy heart (and another reason to heart it back!).

Looking to add a little coconut oil to your life?

Look no further than our Slow Cooker Muesli Slice. This gooey, crunchy, coconutty creation is packed with nutritious nuts and seeds for a sweet and satisfying slice. Serve with full-fat yoghurt and fresh fruit for a brekkie (or a snack) the whole family will go nuts for! 

(Hint: you can cook this one in the oven, too. Our recipe developers recommend 40–50 minutes at 180ÂșC.)

Muesli Slice


About Unknown


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