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5 savoury snacks to get you through the sugar cravings

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 27 July 2016 | 13:05

One of the most common things we hear from people finishing the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program is that they no longer need to snack.

Yep, the happy combo of eating nutritious, satiating meals and eliminating addictive fructose means your appetite can go back to its “factory settings”. No more 3pm dashes to the vending machine!

But if you’re still in the midst of quitting sugar, the cravings for something sweet can be pretty intense. Before you reach for the sugary Snickers bar, try filling up on these tasty protein and fat-filled savoury snacks instead. Snickers who?

1. Grab a handful of nuts.

Nuts are perfect little parcels of protein and healthy fats. Translation: they’re some of the most filling foods on the planet! It’s good to have a little pack of nuts ready to go when the cravings attack.

These Bacon + Rosemary Almonds taste so indulgent they’ll quash any sugar craving. Allergic to nuts? Try some sunflower and pumpkin seeds instead.

Bacon + Rosemary Almonds

I Quit Sugar - Bacon + Rosemary Almonds

2. Go fry an egg.

Or boil, poach, bake, scramble. However you like your eggs, they make a cheap snack that’s full of proteins, fats and nourishing vitamins.

Why not go the whole hog and add some sourdough toast and veggies, too? As our nutritionist and recipe developer Meg says: “If i’m feeling hungry, I eat. With me, there’s no picking at things, I’d rather sit down and eat something glorious.” Amen!

Simple M-egg + Veg

I Quit Sugar - Simple Eggs + Veg breakfast recipe.

3. Break bread.

We’re not talking the flimsy Wonder White soft loaves you get at the supermarket. We like our bread satiating and supercharged, with plenty of fats and proteins packed in (and maybe some veggies, too!).

And it doesn’t get more supercharged than Sarah’s Paleo Veggie Bread. After all, why should all the nutrients be spread on top?

Paleo Veggie Bread

Paleo Veggie Bread

4. Stuff in a muffin.

Muffins are a fantastically portable option (because not everyone can tote a carton of eggs or loaf of bread to work).

With feta and sweet potato, these savoury muffins are much healthier than any you’ll get at a bakery. Everyone will want to know the muffin man who baked these!

Sweet Potato, Kale + Feta Muffins


5. If in doubt, avocado.

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are not only great for your heart but fill you up quick. It’s not an uncommon sight to see one of the IQS team eating avocado straight up with a spoon!

Want to get a little fancier? Whip up your own dead-simple guacamole and serve it with carrot sticks. Olé!

Super Speedy Guacamole

Recipe - Guacamole


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