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How did they get it so wrong? The 5 worst diet tips of all time (probably)

Written By Unknown on Friday 10 June 2016 | 01:17

Worms for weight loss? We’re calling out some of the worst diet tips in history. And offering a few sensible ideas for healthy living instead.

1. Eat your tapeworms.

One of the original fad diets is also among the most dangerous.

Popular with Victorian women hoping to fit into tiny corsets, this diet promised rapid weight loss by swallowing capsules that contained hook-mouth beef tapeworms.

The creatures went on to live in the dieter’s intestines and eat their food. But they took vital nutrients too.

Those on the tapeworm diet suffered malnutrition and frequent stomach aches. But perhaps most disgustingly, the worms would sometimes crawl out of their rear ends. Eek!

IQS: Crazy diet tips

Our advice: The only worms we recommend you eat are our Speckled Sour Gummy Worms.

2. Stick to five bites.

With seemingly impressive credentials, we expected a little better from Dr. C Alwin Lewis’ Five Bite Diet.

His eating plan is based on the principle that if you stick to only five bites of food for each meal, you will lose weight.

Putting aside the dangers of food deprivation, the diet assumes that all foods have the same nutritional value. Do five bites of broccoli equal five bites of Snickers? We think not!

IQS: Diet tips

Our advice: Just eat real food (JERF)! You will fill up on eat healthy, satiating goodness and won’t have to count your bites, as your body will know naturally when it’s had enough.  

3. Cigarettes instead of sweets.

Addictive substances do not a healthy diet make.  

But that didn’t stop cigarette company Lucky Strike from suggesting: “For a slender figure, reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet.” 

As well as the known health complications associated with smoking, a new study suggests that the habit can actually lead to significant weight gain.

(Ironically, this Lucky Strike ad campaign was eventually de-railed by litigation threats from the candy industry!).

IQS: Diet tips

Our advice: Whether it’s a Diet Coke and a smoke, or fructose in all its forms, we suggest you stay away from addictive substances that impact your health.

4. This cookie monster.

Of all the crazy-doctor-endorsed diets, this one takes the biscuit.

Dr Sanford Siegal’s Cookie Diet promises weight loss by restricting dieters to 1,000–1,200 calories a day. Of which about half come from his own meal replacement cookies. Hmmm…

With more and more science supporting the view that cutting calories doesn’t work, you’d be a smart cookie to give this diet the flick.

IQS: Diet tips

Our advice: Don’t count calories, but make the calories count. And, if the cookie monster strikes, try this one on for size!

5. The low-fat diet.

The low-fat diet theory originated from research conducted by scientist Ancel Keys in the 1950s and 1960s. Although it was found to have major flaws, it caused many to adopt a full-blown phobia of fat and avoid the stuff completely.

From egg-white-only omelettes to margarine instead of butter to a whole new market of fat-free foods, an entire generation took on the low-fat diet as gospel. Yet instances of obesity and weight-related illness continued to rise.

Today, studies continue to slam low-fat diets and identify the real culprit as sugar. Which is kind of what we’ve been saying all along

IQS: Diet tips

Our advice: You don’t have to fear fat. Just be sure to pick the right ones.

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