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8 little health hacks that will make a big difference

Written By Unknown on Thursday 30 June 2016 | 18:08

The road to a healthier, happier you can start with the smallest steps.

Looking for ways to improve your overall health and wellbeing, but not sure where to start? There are actually some really simple things you can incorporate into your daily routine that can make a huge difference.

From having a good belly laugh to getting a few extra zzzs, here are eight easy health hacks you can try today.

1. Hit the hay a little earlier.

Let’s face it, most of us aren’t getting the 7–9 hours sleep we actually need. We might overlook it, but lack of sleep can have a major impact on our cardiovascular, immune and mental health.

If you need to prioritise a little more time between the sheets, try hitting the hay an hour earlier each night. If you find it tough to switch off, try these tips to help you improve the quality of those zzzs.

2. Get your walk on.

You don’t have to be sweating it out at the gym for two hours a day to reap the physical and mental benefits of physical exercise. A recent study suggests even 15 minutes of daily exercise could lower your risk of death by 22 per cent! If that’s not an excuse to jump off the bus a stop early or schedule in a few walking meetings

3. Cut out the sugar.

This one’s a bit of a no-brainer. Sugar has myriad negative health effects on our bodies (and now you mention it, our brains too). If you’re not quite ready to give sugar the flick entirely, here are some simple things you can do to cut your sugar intake in half.

4. Laugh!

If you needed another reason to have a good belly laugh with friends over something ridiculous.

Laughter releases endorphins, lowers cortisol levels, increases heart rate and pumps more oxygen around the body. So go ahead, have a chuckle at Dad’s next joke or watch another episode of your favourite comedy.

5. Take the stairs.

Climb your way to better health, one step at a time. Stair climbing increases your heart rate, gets the oxygen flowing and works your leg and core muscles. One study suggests climbing eight flights a day could reduce mortality rates by a third!

6. Drink more water.

Staying well-hydrated keeps all the sugars, sodium and other minerals in the body nice and balanced, which has important repercussions for both short- and long-term health.

If you struggle to remember your ol’ eight a day, set a few alarms on your phone to remind yourself to grab a glass. If you like your refreshments a little jazzier, skip the soft drink and try these ideas instead.

7. Be more mindful.

Stopping to smell the roses every now and then could do you a world of good.

Research shows taking just 27 minutes to meditate each day increases the density of your hippocampus (the part of the brain associated with memory and learning) and decreases the density of your amygdala (associated with stress and anxiety). If you’re time-poor, other research suggests just 10–15 minutes will do.

8. Floss.

The jury is still out on this one, but some research suggests a link between oral health and heart health. It comes down to inflammation. This can cause our arteries to harden, which puts a strain on the heart. The research also shows that bacteria in some gum diseases can potentially spread to the heart, causing infection. Pass us that floss, please!

What other quick health hacks have you tried? Will you give these ones a go?


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