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Jennie's Weight Loss Success Story

Written By Unknown on Monday 17 June 2024 | 03:27

Jennie has lost 33 pounds and no longer is addicted to sugar! Her husband followed along for the ride and has lost 47 pounds!

What is your age and where do you live?

I am 51 and I live in Clio, Michigan.

How did you find SugarFreeMomTribe.com and when did you join?

I have seen your post on Facebook and followed you for probably a good five years not realizing that you had so much more going on then one day I found your book on Amazon the 30 day Sugar Elimination Diet, and I bought that. I began my journey on March 1, 2024.

I lost 16 pounds with the book and bonus, my husband did it with me and lost 22 pounds!

Did you have any weight struggles before joining the course and membership?

I am 5 foot 10, 51 soon to be 52 years old and generally most of my young years I had a pretty good metabolism, but I had a hysterectomy when I was 38 and my ovaries removed when I was 48 the weight from menopause and hormone therapy really started piling on.

That’s when I knew I had to make a change because I really felt like Weight Watchers was not built to combat what I was going through.

What other weight loss programs had you tried and how successful were they to keep your weight off?

I for many years was a lifetime member with Weight Watchers.

I was also a leader, but for many years, I would hit that lifetime membership and hit my goal just to turn around to have the weight come back on.

I also tried Optavia, which was a huge fail against my better judgment, I did that for about six months, but learned that it was absolutely not sustainable to eat.

They’re very expensive products that did not taste well at all. 

How much weight did you lose and what other non scale victories have you had?

When I weighed in on June 8, this past Sunday morning, I hit the goal that I have always had with my other weight loss programs which was 165 pounds and on Sunday morning I weighed 163.8.

I literally sat on the floor and balled my eyes out because not only has this worked for me, but my husband has lost 47 pounds as well since March 1! We feel so incredibly good and have so much energy and sleep so very well.

Going to our closet every day is like having epiphany. it’s like what are we gonna get to wear today right down to the shoes that we haven’t warning years because guess where weight comes off to your feet.

The ability that I have learned how to do is to walk away when I am around food that I know I can’t eat, especially during work events. And my favorite victory is I feel good in my own skin.

What were you typically eating before making this lifestyle change?

If you could’ve only seen my cupboards before I started this program it would tell the whole story I mean, I really believe everything I put in my mouth up until March 1 had so much sugar in it.

I have removed all of that out of my house and on a daily basis, I have probably less than 20 g of carbs.

The difference is truly unbelievable. My kids come over and tell me mom you used to have the best pantry. 

What sugarfreemom resources have helped you?

The best resources from Sugar Free Mom that has helped me was the 30 day sugar elimination diet book, the 21 day meal plan and the sugar detox program that took six weeks which I have went through twice now.

The biggest one is the Sugar-Free Mom Tribe group. The meetings that we have every week and all the people in this group that are going through the same things that I am going through and are willing to share their thoughts and experiences have helped me so very much.

I also have purchased all of Brenda Bennett cookbooks which has been a huge help now that I am through all the meal plans because I use those to create my meals.

What does a typical day of eating look like now for you?

My typical day starts with my fast that starts at 6 PM the night before and ends at 10 AM the next day. I wake up usually around 5 AM and I do a workout during my fast and then get ready for my day.

My husband usually makes breakfast and he puts mine on a plate in the refrigerator so that I can have it at 10 AM or I bring it to work with me and eat it at 10 AM, this is all while I’m hydrating myself with water and don’t forget your electrolytes and collagen.

I usually have lunch around 12:30 that consists of a salad or whatever we had for dinner the night before. Then when I get home, I create a recipe either from my 30 day, sugar elimination diet book , or one of the cookbooks that I have purchased, but always keeping in mind to have a protein, a vegetable, and a fat. This is why logging this information into my Carb Manager app keeps my macros in check.

What have you learned from your journey?

I think the biggest thing that I’ve learned is how to truly take care of my body I never knew and all the years of fighting my weight that this was truly the best way to eat nutritious food because truly you are what you eat and I think you can truly see that in my pictures.

It is very important to me to have control over myself which after going through this journey, I truly know I never did. It is so amazing to know that I am not addicted to sugar anymore.

Final thoughts or takeaways you want to share.

I just really want to thank Brenda Bennett and her assistant Angie and all the tribe members because really without you guys I’m not sure that I could do this.

This is an amazing program. I feel like it’s my little secret and what is really cool, is people see this happening to me, and I tell them about your program and so far I have had four people at work by your 30 day sugar elimination diet book.

They are slowly going through that book just like I did so thank you! I love how you keep it simple and basically either you can do this or not. It’s up to you.

One last thought, when you feel good in your own skin, you’re a happier person!

Learn more about the Sugar Free Mom Tribe Membership!


About Unknown


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