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What the “eff” is up with fructose?

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 21 June 2017 | 19:27

“Just one more piece” – you promise yourself as you binge on the entire block of chocolate.

If you’ve ever wondered why one square of chocolate is NEVER enough, don’t worry, you’re not crazy! There’s a scientific reason why.

Way back in caveman times, sugar was found on the odd berry bush. So as a result, our bodies were programmed to be able to eat, and eat, and EAT the stuff! We’d store it as energy so we could get back to chasing wild boar – clever, huh?

But, while that was great then, it’s not so fab for us now when sugar is so easily available.

Why? Because fructose literally has NO off switch.

Not only does fructose trigger pleasure in the brain and is addictive AF, but there’s no off switch – that’s why it’s so hard to put that block of choccy down.

For all other foods we eat, there’s a corresponding hormone in the brain that tells us when we’re full. But we weren’t gifted with one for fructose (unfortunately).

Fructose actually suppresses the hormones ghrelin (which tells you when you’re hungry) and leptin (which tells you when you’re full), so it doesn’t matter how much fructose you consume (just one piece, or the whole darn block) because your brain won’t even register that you’re eating, or tell you that you’re full. You just keep munching away until you consciously decide you’ve had enough and prise the block out of your own hand.

On the 8-Week Program, you’ll learn to tune into your hunger and find your fructose freedom! Better still, you’ll start to understand when you’re ready to eat and when you’re full. Win, win!


About Unknown


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