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Will I lose weight when I give sugar the flick?

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 23 May 2017 | 21:51

We are all about giving sugar the flick to become the healthiest version of yourself. But the most common question we hear is: “Will I lose weight?” 

The answer? Maybe! But the most important thing to remember before embarking on your sugar-quitting journey is this: quitting sugar is about finding your ideal health, not just about thinning your waistline.

If you do want to lose a few kilos, however, you don’t have to be John Goodman, Adele or any other of the dozens of celebrities who lost weight when they quit sugar. Anyone can do it. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Can you lose weight when you quit sugar?

  • Yes, quite possibly!
  • When you quit sugar it means you quit processed food. And when you quit processed food that means you’re quitting empty calories and all those other added nasties.
  • Most people find that when they quit sugar, they lose bulk, especially around the face and abdomen (which is where your liver holds the weight gained from excess sugar consumption).

2. How much weight will you lose?

  • That is something only you can find out for yourself because everybody (and every body) is different.
  • Quitting sugar and treating your body with the respect it deserves will see you find your bodies natural, sustainable weight.
  • Watch our quick video on weight loss and quitting sugar here.

3. Can you lose weight when you do the 8-Week Program?

  • While we cannot guarantee you’ll always lose weight when you quit sugar, some people on our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program have lost 4-5 kilos (9-11lbs) others have lost as much as 30 kilos (65lbs) over an extended period of time.
  • We have found that those who quit sugar do not tend to regain weight after the Program finishes. Which is not the case for most “diets”.
  • Experts say this is because an eating approach that simply cuts out sugar is sustainable.
  • Bottom line, weight loss is likely to occur if you are holding weight from eating too much sugar, but… quitting sugar is more about becoming the healthier version of yourself!
  • Read how these people quit sugar and found their happy weight.
  • Check out how John lost 20 kgs and how Jackie dropped a dress size in a matter of weeks.
  • Here are some more I Quit Sugar stories about how people succeeded on their own sugar-free journeys.


  • Because each of us is beautiful and unique individuals, results will vary from person to person.
  • If you’d like to share your personal weight loss success story, email info@iquitsugar.com.

We originally published this post in May 2013. We updated it in May 2017.


About Unknown


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