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“The one thing I wish someone told me before I quit sugar.”

Written By Unknown on Thursday 20 April 2017 | 21:19

What’s the thing stopping you from quitting sugar?

Could it be that diets have failed you before, or that you’re not sure if you could swap your sweet tooth for fresh veg? Or, could it simply be a fear of the unknown?

Taking the leap is scary, there’s no sugar coating that! But once you do it, you’ll be surprised at how far both your mind and your body have come.

Take it from these five amazing sugar quitters and what they wish they’d known before they started!

You will actually enjoy vegetables.

Yes, you read that right. Rosie and her fiance John were looking for a massive life-change in preparation of their nuptials when they decided to try the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program.

“I can’t believe how many veggies we’re eating – and actually enjoy. Instead of eating out of boredom, we’re excited to eat real food,” says Rosie.

“Just the other day I was thinking how good it would be to eat some fresh veggies! If you had told me six months ago I would willingly eat kale and asparagus, I would have said you were crazy!”

I Quit Sugar – Rosie’s story: “I quit sugar to lose weight before my wedding… but never expected it would help my arthritis.”

You’ll lose your sweet tooth.

Everyone can relate to what it’s like to turn to food when you’re not feeling your best… but for some, it can be nearly impossible to stop. Jess had always been a closet bad eater – until she found the 8-Week Program.

“Before I quit sugar, I would typically go to the dessert shop down the street from work and get a brownie or piece of cake as soon as I felt stressed out,” she says.

“Now I realise those only give me maybe five minutes of satisfaction, whereas going for a walk, cooking a delicious nourishing meal for my family or reading a book give lasting benefits.”

Jess Poolman's Story

There’s a light for those with chronic illness.

Chronic pain can be crippling, A fact mum-of-four Natasha knew well. At the end of all other options, Natasha decided to see if quitting sugar would help.

“I decided to go cold turkey off sugar to see if it would help with the inflammation… and the inflammation started to settle down! I also lost 12kg, but to be honest, this just seems like the cherry on top,” says Natasha.

“People with chronic pain need to know that there is a light!”

Natasha’s story: “I quit sugar, lost 12kg and healed my chronic pain!”

Your kids will see the difference.

Any parent will tell you that when it comes to raising kids, coffee and sugar can quickly become your lifeblood. But what happens when that quest for sugar starts to fuel your entire day?

Sabine, mum-of-two was determined to show her kids that they shouldn’t need to depend on the sweet stuff.

“The kids are so much more aware of what they eat now, and choose healthy most of the time. My son is a walking commercial for rice malt syrup,” says Sabine.

“My daughter decided to have sugar-free friands for her birthday treat at school. She also did a speech at school during that week about quitting sugar… her classmates were amazed!”


It will be hard, but worth it.

As a mum-of-two and a cancer survivor, Claire knows a thing or two about perseverance.

Determined to try and reboot her very fragile immune system, Claire joined the 8-Week Program – and was shocked by how much better she felt after quitting the sweet stuff.

“Quitting my addiction was tough at first. Then the impossible happened… I stopped craving sugar,” says Claire.

“While my immune system may never fully recover, I have more energy and less illness when I keep sugar as low as possible.”

I Quit Sugar – Claire’s story: “Quitting sugar boosted my immune system after cancer.”


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