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6 fears of quitting sugar we overcame (and you can, too)

Written By Unknown on Sunday 15 January 2017 | 21:45

ButwhatifIcantgiveupNutellaphobia: a fear of quitting sugar and its consequences.

Alright, we may have just made that up. But in all seriousness, the fear of quitting sugar is very real. Especially when you’ve been living (and eating) a certain way for so long.

Thinking of making the leap? We’ve asked the IQS team and our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program Ambassadors to tell us what they were afraid of when they started quitting sugar – and how they’ve overcome it.

1. Fear of gaining weight.

IQS ambassador Rani was (by her own words!) a crazy calorie counter for years. So, the thought of eating cheese and butter had her in a spin. Thank goodness she stuck it out!

“I was so sure I would put on weight, I made a pact with myself that if the scales budged even a centimetre, I would quit quitting sugar,” says Rani. “I was so surprised when the scales didn’t move, plus I totally lost the bloat and my obsession with calorie counting.”

2. Fear of losing money.

Office manager Maddy feared spending too much on fancy ingredients. But, as she discovered, eating healthy is cheaper when you choose whole foods and make the most of leftovers.

“I applied the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle. I simply ate more vegetables and whole fruits and stuck to the cooking methods I was comfortable with until I was confident enough to get experimenting in the kitchen!”

3. Fear of missing out.

Our marketing executive Alyssa watched as cafĂ© after patisserie after pop-up store came out with irresistible-looking treats. It took quitting sugar to let the FOMO go and decide that maybe that trendy Nutella doughnut shake just wasn’t worth it.

“Living in Sydney, I realised I am constantly going to be surrounded by these opportunities and I don’t need to indulge EVERY TIME I see something. Once you’ve quit sugar, it’s easier to say no most of the time, and split something extra special with a friend every now and then.”

4. Fear of people’s reactions.

Ambassador Jenny was worried about what people might think. While quitting sugar is sure to get you some strange looks, you’d be surprised how well people understand when you explain the health benefits.

“The Program offered lots of suggestions around how to deal with this (as did others on the forums). Three years later, many friends and family members have followed suit!”

5. Fear of being seen as girly.

The reputation of quitting sugar being a “diet” and “just for women” initially put off our senior developer Ray. But sugar-quitting men including John Goodman and Peter FitzSimons have proved that wrong.

“Some people consider it a bit feminine to watch what you eat – like it’s some sort of badge of honour if you can eat a whole pizza. But I found being able to eat tasty, healthy food is a much better badge.”

6. Fear of not having any treats, ever!

While our recipes manager Meg has always had more of a savoury tooth than sweet, she was daunted by the idea of never having another almond croissant or birthday cake again. Luckily, you can!

“I realised that quitting sugar isn’t about deprivation, but finding your natural appetite. It’s about finding the freedom to eat what you want, when you want and being able to stop before you feel sick.”


About Unknown


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