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6 men who quit sugar in style (it’s not just for girls!)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 27 December 2016 | 11:07

Think quitting sugar is just for girls? Think again!

Sure, around 85 per cent of people who join us on the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program are women. But here’s another thing 91 per cent of guys who quit sugar on the Program lost weight!

They’ve also found food freedom, enhanced their fitness, cleared their skin and improved their mental health. Looks like the men who do quit sugar have it down to a fine art!

They lost weight.

Okay, so Hamish was introduced to the sugar-free lifestyle by his wife, but we think it’s pretty clear that he owns it now. In just five weeks of quitting sugar, Hamish dropped 7kg and 2.5 inches from his waist.

“The cravings passed and as I started to feel better I was complimented on how good I was looking,” says Hamish.

Even better, his blood tests got way more attractive – his levels for cholesterol, liver function and hormones all improved!

I Quit Sugar Testimonial - Hamish

And actor John Goodman also did exceptionally well when he cut out sugar. In fact, he lost a staggering 45kg… and counting! The not-so-big Lebowski?

I Quit Sugar - Like a nice cheese, it appears that quitting sugar can get even better with age too

AAAAND… former rugby player and columnist Peter FitzSimons lost a quarter of his body weight simply by giving up sugar and grog (that’s alcohol, for international readers!). He says,”Stop the processed food and drink, and you stop feeling so damn hungry all the time.” We couldn’t agree more!

i Quit Sugar - Peter FitzSimons: "Blokes, stop the sugar and you'll stop the hunger."

They do better in the gym.

While many gym-goers down sugary protein shakes, Breyton found that quitting sugar improved his athletic performance. He lost 10kg and feels 10 years younger (one kilo for every year!).

“I now eat for my active lifestyle,” says Breyton. “My energy levels are constantly high. I feel it in the gym. We do a lot of plyometrics so it’s great to feel light on my feet, and also good for my joints and agility.”

They took care of their mental health.

At 115kg, Jon had always struggled with his weight and an addiction to sweet drinks. He also battled depression, but, through a healthy and mindful lifestyle change, he managed to come off his medication.

I had lost so much weight, about 20kg in six months. I’ve been between 92–95kgs ever since, for about two years now. During this time, I was feeling a lot better about myself and I went off the antidepressants – almost cold-turkey as well – and have never gone back.

They stayed positive through cancer.

TV host and master builder Barry Du Bois knew he had to take care for his health after being diagnosed with aggressive neck and spine cancer.

“One of the things that struck me while I was having tests and surgery was that sugar was what the doctors used to put into my body, knowing that it feeds cancer cells. They do this so the cancer can be highlighted on scans by the activity created by the added sugar. This got me thinking… Sugar feeds cancer cells! Could it be a more startling message?”

At that point, he quit sugar. Along with care from his doctors, eating real food and being mindful about his health is helping Barry get through his ongoing treatments.

IQS: Barry Dubois 2

They improved their skin.

Adam first dismissed quitting sugar: “We’re supposed to eat sugar, it’s where we get our energy!”. But then he read an article by NBA basketballer Steve Nash crediting his performance to the same thing, and decided to give it a shot.

“I have completely dropped sugar and I will never go back. I now have a complexion, cheekbones, a six (four?) pack and loads of energy. And I actually think I’m more positive and optimistic. This is not a fad diet for me.

They had a baby!

Glen and his wife Sarah quit sugar after months of autoimmune thyroid disease affecting Sarah’s fertility. Once they gave up the sweet stuff, their lives changed in more ways than they thought possible.

“I’ve lost 15kg,” says Glen. “Beyond that, Sarah’s dosage of Thyroxine went down and her thyroid hormone levels stabilised.”

And even bigger news – Sarah and Glen conceived their first child! Congrats!


We originally published this article in March 2016. We updated it in December 2016.


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