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Home » , , , , » Drink more than two soft drinks a day? You may DOUBLE your risk of type 2 diabetes

Drink more than two soft drinks a day? You may DOUBLE your risk of type 2 diabetes

Written By Unknown on Sunday 23 October 2016 | 20:48

  • Surprisingly, artificially sweetened soft drinks were also found to raise type 2 diabetes risk.
  • Sweetened drinks are linked to many health conditions, including heart disease, liver problems and visceral fat.

If you drink more than 400ml of soft drink a day, watch out. A new study says that’s all it takes to  double your risk of type 2 diabetes.

The analysis of 2,874 adults found that more than two 200ml soft drinks a day made subjects 2.4 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, primarily a lifestyle disease. It also doubled the incidence of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), a condition which is still being understood.

While the negative impacts of sugar-sweetened drinks don’t surprise us, it’s intriguing that the researchers included artificially sweetened drinks in their findings.

“One [explanation] is that consumption of diet soft drinks may stimulate appetite and make us increase our food intake, especially sweet/sugary foods, possibly leading to [people becoming] overweight. Which is a risk factor for diabetes,” said lead study author Josefin Edwall Löfvenborg.

Whatever the case, it’s becoming no secret that these saccharine, brightly-hued drinks are no good for us. Type 2 diabetes is just one condition strongly linked to excessively sweetened drinks, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease and abdominal obesity to name a few.

How much more evidence do you think we need before the dangers of soft drinks are taken seriously?


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