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Got milk? Here’s which type of milk is right for you

Written By Unknown on Monday 15 August 2016 | 00:18

Pop into any trendy cafĂ© and you’ll find “long black” and “flat white” are no longer your only options. Shot of soy? Dash of A2? There are so many different types of milk to choose from!

Not sure which one to go for? From taste to health benefits, this handy go-to guide will help you decide which type of milk is best for you.

Dairy milk: full fat vs skim.

It’s little secret we love a little fat, including in our diary milk. Full fat dairy is more satiating, keeping you going for longer.

Plus, it might have other health benefits. A 12-year study linked a high dairy fat intake with a lower risk of abdominal fat compared to skim milk. See ya, skinny lattes!

Unpasteurised vs unhomogenised vs UHT milk.

  • Unpasteurised (or raw) milk hasn’t been treated and could contain dangerous pathogens, so it’s illegal to sell for consumption in Australia.
  • Unhomogenised milk has been treated, but, unlike other milks, the fat hasn’t been broken up and dispersed, giving it that “old-fashioned” layer of cream on top.
  • UHT milk has been ultra-heated to sterilise the milk so it won’t go bad on the shelves (or in those little foil cartons you find in hotels). But the taste can be affected by the process.

A2 milk.

The claim behind A2 is that it’s more compatible with humans, because breastmilk contains A2 beta-casein proteins but not the A1 proteins found in most dairy. That said, scientists are still nutting out whether A2 is actually any better for you.

Sheep or goat milk.

Sheep and goat milk are great substitutes for adults for can’t consume cow’s milk (if not for an acquired flavour). Sheep’s milk in particular has almost twice the amount of fat as cow’s milk, making it rich and super satiating.

Soy milk.

Is soy milk is healthy? The jury’s out. It has antioxidants, lots of protein and could lower cholesterol, but it’s also been shown to trigger inflammation and hormone disruption. If you find soy milk works for you, we’d recommend sticking to an organic, locally-sourced brand.

Almond milk.

Almond milk can be a sweet sub for adults who don’t drink dairy – but don’t get bamboozled! Some almond milks contain as little as 1.3 per cent almonds and are stuffed with sugar and other additives. Opt for brands with no added nasties, or you can have a go at making your own.

Coconut milk.

A cup of this milk contains more than 20 per cent of your daily iron and magnesium intake. It’s also very, very high in saturated fats. So while it’s quite satiating, we recommend watering it down or adding it to smoothies.

Oat, rice, hemp.

Neither oat, rice or hemp milk are particularly nutritious. But as long as you stay away from the sweetened, emulsified versions, they’re still a healthy way to stay hydrated!

Cockroach milk?!?!?!

Ashidhjdhjjj. Yes, scientists have recently discovered that cockroaches actually produce “milk protein crystals” which contain four times as much protein as cow’s milk.

It’s also tasteless (we DO not envy the scientists who had to try it) so theoretically, it could be the milk of the future. We’re not sure if we would be game to try it though!

Which milk do you prefer?


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